
It was the day of our graduation. I'll admit, I have some good memories of the past 4 years but I hated high school and I couldn't wait to leave it behind forever.

My mom did my hair into loose curls. I put bronzer on my cheeks and eyelids. I did a small wing of eyeliner and applied false eye lashes. Under my graduation gown I wore a brown dress with black heels.

I looked hot.

Allen walked in and looked at me up and down. He smiled and put his hands around my neck and kissed me. He knocked me down on the bed and then I stop him.

"Nooo, we have to be at the ceremony in 30 minutes." I tell him.

He gives me puppy dog eyes.

"You look stupid." I chuckle.

He chuckles and then gives me a kiss. We walk out into the living room and my mom sees both of our completed look.

"Awwwww mija you look gorgeous!" My mom says walking towards me. She kissed me on the cheek and sheds a tear.

"Allen, you look handsome! Good job!" She exclaims. We all laugh.

"Thank you, Jenny." He smiles.

She was right, he looked sexy. He wore black slacks with a brown belt and a black button up. He paired it with his black Dr. Martens. He also styled it with silver jewelry as he always does.

My mom takes a couple thousand pictures of us until we finally get her to stop. We all get in the car and get to graduation.

The ceremony went on for a really long time. All that shit for a piece of paper.

When the ceremony finally ends, the group goes outside and takes pictures. After, we all go get pizza. It feels nice to be here with everyone I love. I watched as Tristan and Zach were being absolute idiots. Simone looked like she was about to break up for the way Tristan was acting in the restaurant. Olli watched them, embarrassed. Naomi and Nyla had their arms wrapped around each other. Valerie was laughing at Zach and Tristan. It looked like she was going to pop a blood vessel. Allen had his arm around me and we laughed at the two idiots.

 Even though sometimes my thoughts get the best of me and I convince myself to isolate and not let anyone in, I try my best to shake those thoughts. These are my people. Even though we're all going our separate ways, these memories will be cherished forever.

"We should all plan a trip soon before everyone leaves." Simone says.

"Yeah, that would be dope." Zach replies.

We all agree and then go back to talking.

As it gets later, everyone says goodbye and goes back home. Allen and I walk back to the car and get inside.

"It was so hard not being able to rip that dress off of you tonight." Allen says as we get into the car.

I blush and smile at him. I give him a soft kiss on the lips.

"Hey, I can't wait to go home and have fun with you tonight..." I say

Allen smiles.

"... But can we do one thing before we go home?" I ask.


We pull up to the house. Allen got nervous about coming with me. He insisted on staying in the car but I grabbed his hand and made him come with me.

I knock at the door. A friendly face appears.

"Hi Celeste!" The woman spoke.

"Hi, Mrs. Dawson. May we come in?" I ask.

"Of course." Mrs. Dawson said and greeted us.

I haven't been to their new house yet. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson moved out of their old house when Charles died. They couldn't stand in that house for another moment. It's got to be unbearable to live in the house your son was murdered in.

Their new home was a lot more small and comfy. It seemed like they were much happier.

"Celeste!" Mr. Dawson exclaims giving me a warm welcoming hug.

The room is quiet for a moment.

"It's so nice to see you guys again." I say.

"You, too. We're glad you came by honey." Mrs. Dawson says reassuringly.

"I'm really sorry I never visited before, I would try but then-"

"It's okay. We're glad you still called." Mr. Dawson spoke and smiled.

I smile back at him.

"This is my boyfriend, Allen. Y'all remember him right?" I ask.

"Of course. It's so nice to see you again, Allen." Mrs. Dawson says.

Allen gives them both hugs.

"I know Charles wouldn't have wanted you with any other young man besides Allen. He would be so happy that you've finally moved on." Mrs. Dawson beamed.

"You two look amazing in your gowns." Mr. Dawson added.

"Thank you. I got accepted into AU. I'm going for journalism." I said.

"That's amazing, honey. We are so proud of you..." Mrs. Dawson replied. Her voice broke a little bit at the end.

I go in to hug Mr. and Mrs. Dawson. We all cry softly. Allen lets us have our moment but Mr. Dawson pulls him in and we all hug together.

We said our goodbyes and walked back to the car. Allen looks over at me. My face was slightly pink and my lips were pressed together. He reaches a hand out to me and strokes my hair. His touch is so gentle. He starts up the car and we drive in silence for a couple minutes. I look out the window and admire the stars. I put down the window on my side and feel the cold breeze on my face. I place my hand on top of Allen's which is placed on my thigh.
He turns up the music.

It's playing Where's My Mind by Pixies.

I look at him with a huge smile. We both start screaming the lyrics out the window. I laughed so hard at Allen screaming my lungs hurt. As I watched Allen drive like a maniac and sing the song I couldn't help but think I am so damn lucky to have him. He is so gorgeous. So kind. So funny.

I finally feel like my life is back. No, it's different now. It's a whole lot better and way more freeing.

I no longer have to search for answers. Nothing feels complicated anymore.

I can't wait to live the rest of my life.

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