"What?" I ask after a couple seconds of silence.

"My mom kicked out my dad when I was 13. He wanted to see me but my mom refused. When I was 15, we met up again. My dad showed me all of his weed and other medications he sold. He revealed to me that he was a drug dealer but made it clear that I could never tell my mom that I know. She knew but not that I knew. I got really nervous and he pressured me into selling them for him. He needed a way to sell them to younger kids and it was through me." Pearl says.

I listened in disbelief. How was all this true?

"... I met Charles and he was really into me. This was before you and him met." she says looking at me. "One day at school he wanted to smoke for the first time and I wanted to impress him so I told him I have weed. We smoked it together and it was all good. When Celeste and Charles met, we obviously stopped being friendly but I still sold to him. Charles' addiction got bad but my dad started letting me share the money and I really wanted the money. I was worried for him but I continued to sell to him..."

I remember when Charles got too addicted. He couldn't go one day without smoking. That's when we started getting into arguments. He stopped for a little bit but I could tell he started smoking again without telling me.

"... After a while he wants more so I started selling him Xanax..."

"YOU FUCKING BITCH." Naomi yelled. She was about to swing at Pearl but Allen held her back.


Pearl looked uneasy and took a deep breath. She continued.

"Charles was draining his pockets trying to but more and more drugs. Sometimes I would spot him but it became too much. Then I let him have it for free as long as he paid me back eventually..." Pearl looks down ashamed.

"... My dad noticed the supply was going down but the money wasn't coming back. He demanded for me to tell him what was going on. He even threatened to hurt my mom..." She started to cry. "... I gave in and told him it was Charles. He showed up to his house one day saying if he didn't give him the money he owed in a week then it would be too late. That's when he killed him."

We all stared at Pearl. Naomi broke down crying. I broke down crying. Allen had his jaw clenched and held the both of us. Pearl's cries grew louder.

"I am so sorry-" Pearl starts to apologize.

"Shut the absolute fuck up." Naomi said calmly and walked to her car.

I followed after Naomi to talk to her a bit.

Allen continued to stare at the ground. He picked his head up and his eyes were puffy with tears coming out.

"You should be in jail with him." he says coldly and walks away. 

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