Final Battle: Part 1

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Henry woke up on top of the rooftop where the wedding took place he walked to the edge Storybook in hand and saw that he was still in Storybrooke

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Henry woke up on top of the rooftop where the wedding took place he walked to the edge Storybook in hand and saw that he was still in Storybrooke.

Henry walked down the street and saw Archie walking out of his office, "Archie! Hey, Archie what happened here? What's going on? What did the Black Fairy's curse do!?"

Archie looked confused as he said, "Really, Henry? Black Fairy? Curse? Henry, I-I-I thought we were past all this."

Henry shook his head and said, "She's done something to you, to everyone."

"Henry, um do I need to schedule another appointment?" Archie asked

"Where is she?" Henry asked

"Who?" Archie asked looking increasingly more concerned

Henry looked at Archie and around the town, "You know who my mom!"

Archie looked down at Henry and said, "Henry you know exactly where Emma is. She's in the same place that she's been for the last two years."

. . . . . .

"Emma you have a visitor, your son." Nurse Ratchet said as she walked up to Emma who was painting a swan

"Mom?" Henry said as he stood behind Emma

"Henry." Emma said as Henry hugged her

Henry sighed in relief, "Thank God you remember me."

Emma looked confused as he said, "Of course I remember you."

"Good, because I just looked all over town and I couldn't find the rest of our family, Snow, David, Hook, Auntie Ella-"

Emma cut Henry off saying, "No, no stop I'm not going down that road again. I've worked way to hard for you to undo my progress."

"Progress?" Henry asked

"You know what I mean," Emma stated as Henry sat down at the table in front of her, "Those people Snow White, Prince Charming, Captain Hook, Isabella Scarlett none of them are real. My parents aren't fairy-tale characters. No one in Storybrooke is there's no curse it's just a regular town."

The Second Princess (2)- 𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓤𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓐 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮Where stories live. Discover now