The Price

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"Come on

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"Come on. Someone's got to see what this new curse does any volunteers?" Leroy asked as the remaining dwarves gathered at the town line

"I don't want to turn into a monkey."

"I like remembering who I am."

Leroy groaned, "I'm afraid one of us is going to have to dig down deep and find the courage to see what happens when we step over that line."

"Not it." The dwarves said at the same time

Leroy turned to Dopey, "Dopey, I'll take your silence as bravery. Good for you come one."

The dwarves span around when they heard, "Stop!" It was Ella, Regina and Mary Margaret running towards them.

Leroy shook his head, "Sorry, sister. We can't stay in Storybrooke as long as Emma's the Dark One. Snow Queen, Pan, Trio of Terror. We can handle villains like that. But Emma? She was one of us. She knows how we beat bad guys... Hell, she beat most of them for us. So tell me... how do we stand a chance against her?"

Ella rolled her eyes, "Emma is smart there is something there but if you're dumb enough to go across, be my guest."

Leroy scoffed, "Who's gonna save us if we stay... you? Go on. Do it."

Dopey walked over the town line everyone was silent until dopey span around with two thumbs up

Leroy smiled, "Now, if you'll excuse us."

"Wait!" Ella yelled seeing that Dopey had turned into a tree

"Oh no." Mary Margaret sighed

"Oh well that's new." Ella said.

. . . . .

Six weeks ago:

"Wow." Henry said as he saw the Camelot castle

"Wow is right." David agreed

"Mum, Dad?" Ella said walking up to David and Mary Margaret

The Second Princess (2)- 𝓞𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓤𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓐 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮Where stories live. Discover now