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        ^(Rani above)^


10:00 pm

I had finally finished my time on the Louis Vuitton fashion show. I was hungry and missed my two babies. My boy, Rani, rushed over to my makeup station. "Dude, we are going out for some dinner at Eleven Madison Park, wanna come?"

I nod, taking my stuff. I give Rani a ride there. Paparazzi swarmed the car. I took a deep breath before facing the horrible crowd. I faked a smile and rushed inside.

"I can never get tired of that," Rani says, grinning. I shake my head and look around the restaurant. It was filled with celebrities. Rani pats my back before sitting at a table with gorgeous models. I personally didn't want to. So, I sat with another colleague.

After hours of talking and eating. I grew tired of these people. I miss my woman and my baby. Rani quickly sees my distress and walks over. "You ok, bro?" I nod to get him off my back.

"You see those fine woman over there," he says, pointing to a group of woman. They all smile and wave. Each one was unique in their own way. I couldn't seem to look at those woman, the way I do with Jada. Jada was all I could focus on. She was the center of my universe and we basically known each other for a bit.

"You wanna come back to the hotel with some. Katy, the girl on the right end, wants to re-enact your sex tape." I roll my eyes and shake my head. Rani continues to laugh his ass off. I make a serious face to show I'm not playing. He instantly becomes silent.

"Come on, man. I can't do this alone. We've been doing this for a long time. Since we were teenagers — earlier in our career."

"Rani that's just it. We were teenagers. We're grown men." I sigh and turn to face him. "Look, I'm not asking you to settle down or get married. But it's time to get life together."

I can't even stand being around this group, so I leave. Rani follows me. Luckily we were in the back of the restaurant. So, no one could hear or see us. "Elijah, let's go back inside. You have to stay for at least another hour."

I shake my head. "I miss my daughter and woman." Rani chuckles and rubs his chin.

"Things get serious with this woman?" I nod and continue to put on my coat.

"It was the cute waitress from the restaurant, right?"

I turn towards him. "Yeah."

Rani scratches his neck and looks down at his feet. "What?" I asked, roughly.

He shrugs and clears his throat. "She's not what I would expect. I mean a Waitress."  Anger fills my body and I instantly pin it on him. I didn't stop my actions, knowing it could ruin my reputation. I grip Rani by his collar.

"Hey, hey. No hate here. I'm just surprised it's serious." I hear noises down the block and remove him from my grip.

"Why do you care about her?"

"I'm trying to help you. This is your reputation for god sake." I shake my head and scoff. I get into my car, leaving the door cracked.

"This is my life. She's gonna stay, whether you like it or not."

"I have to get home. Have fun with the rest of the dinner party." Rani rearranged his collar and walked back inside. I curse to myself and slammed the door. I start the ignition but get interrupted by a call.

I curse to myself again, seeing it was Paige. I quickly pick it. "What?" I ask, roughly.

"Elijah, I need help." Even though I hated this woman. I enter panic mode. "What is it?"

Paige pauses before speaking. "I was going to Costa Rica but I'm stuck at the airport."

I sigh, thanking god that she didn't leave. "Why couldn't you get through?"

"I left my passport at home." She tries to explain herself quickly but I interrupt her. "Alright, I'm on my way." I quickly drive off.


I had ruined my own vacation. It was all because of this young girl. I mean Elijah is a full grown man and he's playing with a young girl. Hasn't he learned from his past.

I knew I couldn't go when I saw my cameras. I will fuck up Elijah and his girl, if they had sex in my house.

I'm surprised. She's got balls. She knew how to get under my skin. Why would she even try to irritate me after yesterday? She can't even compare to me.

It was now 4:30 in the morning and I was sitting in the cold air. I shivered, waiting for Elijah. A sigh of relief releases, when I see him pull up. He pulls down the window, frowning at my presence. "Get in." I roll my eyes and set my bags inside. I sit inside before he even thinks of driving forward.

The car was filled with silence. "So, how is..."

I was interrupted by him. "You left Miya with your nanny." I sigh and fidget with my fingers. "We've all made mistakes. You aren't perfect."

"Paige, you left our child with the nanny. Miya needs her mother. You've left so many times in this one month." My eyes begin to tear up and I feel guilt. A ball forms in my throat and I can't really speak. "I'm so..."

"Sorry, Paige. Really?!" He yells.

"Luckily, I had Jada to help me." My sadness instantly turns to rage. "When I was a alone, Miya used to beg and cry for you." Elijah clenched his jaw. His eyes began to water but he restricted it from falling.

"Paige, she needs her mother."

"Elijah, it's hard being a mother. I mean I'm almost the same age as you but I still don't feel mature. I'm not ready to grow up yet." Elijah chuckles and shakes his head.

"You're selfish. Miya doesn't deserve that excuse." Before I could even talk, he shuts me up. The rest of the car ride was silent. What made it even worse was that my house was two hours away.

"Elijah, could you at least get me some food!" I yell. I had nothing but granola bars from the airport. Elijah stays quiet. "Elijah!"

"You have money. I'll drive there and you pay." I roll my eyes and grab my wallet. "Go to canes." Elijah pulls into a drive in.

I quickly finish my food and fall into a deep sleep. I woke up to Elijah getting gas. He lowers his hoodie, but fails miserably. Some look at him weird. He quickly comes back in and starts the car. "You looked like a weirdo out there." It was the first time in a while that he laughed. It's been so long, hearing it. It was contagious.

We finally made it home. I quickly grab my suitcase and walk up to Elijah. "I'm sorry. I will be a great mother. I promise." He nods and walks towards the door. He knocks and the door opens wide.

Miya opens his arms, looking up at me. I pick her squeezing her cheeks. Elijah smiles at her and pinches her cheeks, causing her giggle.

My cousin appears in the front door way. Her smile falls when she sees me. I mentally shout BITCH as she slams me with the movement of her hair. I can't even get respect in my own fucking house. FUCKKKK!!!

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