Part 20 - "You're ok.''

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Enjoy! Thank you so much foe 1k reads! I never thought I would be on a trending page or get this many reads and being added to so may peoples reading lists in such a short time. Thank you so much! 

We finished the first three matches of the day and we are playing Wakutani South in an hour. We are all having lunch before. 

"Johzenji was a tough team." I remark as I give out some apples to snack on.

"Well Wakutani South is pretty challenging too is wha I've heard." Tsuki says and I nod.

I hand Ryu is apple and pout before giving him  a peck on the cheek.

"Why so glum." I jokingly say as I bump his shoulder with my hip.

"Saeko's gonna be in he stands with you soon and you're gonna die in her arms because she Hugs too tight!" He panics and I laugh.

"Big sis is so fun!" I smile as I toss Keishin-nii and apple. 

"Thanks baby sister!"

"You're welcome big brother!"


"YES!" We cheer from the stand as big sis crush me and Yachi into a hug but that moment was cut short.

Ryu and Daichi collided receiving the ball. Ryu's holding his arm and Daichi - he's not even sitting up right. Keishin-nii looks up at me signalling to come down and I rush down. When I get into the gym I rush to Daichi and Ryu. 

"Are you okay?" I ask Ryu looking at his shoulder quickly and he nods before ushering me off to Daichi.

Daichi groans and slowly gets up and sits down.

"Daichi where are we?" Takeda asks continued by more questions which thankfully he gets right. Kiyoko and I hoist him up.

"You need to go to the infirmary." Keishin-nii says and Daichi's eyes go wide.

"I need to stay! Pleas I'm fine!" He pleads and he starts luring his words as a tooth falls out and Kiyoko rushes to put a towel over his face.

"The best thing you can do for the team right now is making sure you are okay." I say quietly and he nods in disappointment. 

"Captain. I'm so sorry." Ryu bows his head. I know he's blaming himself for this. 

"Don't worry about it. I didn't call for the ball I'm just glad you didn't get hurt to." Daichi says and Ryu nods slightly.

"Kiyoko and I will go with you to the infirmary and Takeda and Y/N will stay down here. Ennoshita, you know what to do." Keishin-nii instructs as they leave the gym. 

I let out a hefty sigh and glance at Ryu who is looking at his feet with his hands balled into fists.

"I'm sorry guys!" He shouts and bows once more until Ennoshita scolds him. I walk up to Ryu and take both of his hands.

"You know anyone of you could have gotten hurt or even both of you. If you had gotten hurt I would be o worried and panic. Don't blame yourself for anything.  Just go out and play it was no ones fault." I say before kissing his cheek and going to sit on the bench. I've never actually managed during an official game but here goes nothing.


"It's fine guys just take a breath. Don't go too fast or you'll be too tired to do anything meaningful during this last set." I say handing out the rest of the water bottles. I walk uptown Ryu and sit next to him. He's been off since the collision. 

"You're ok." I say quietly and he nods before grabbing my hand and squeezing it. I glance up at Yachi and Saeko in the stands who give me a reassuring thumbs up. Kiyoko really does work hard. Managing a team, keeping track of their movements and plays is hard work. I don't know how she does it.

Before they go to the court after break Ryu gives me a kiss on the forehead which I smile about.


We all cluster together on the court - happy that we will be moving onto the next round. 

"Enno! You are gonna be one heck of a captain next year." I smirk up at him as he shoves my arm.

We exit the gym and see Daichi! Thank god he's ok. 

"CAPTAIN!" We all shout and stop in front of him. 

"A-are you ok?" Ryu asks and Daichi smiles.

"I was given the ok by the middle of the second set but I didn't want to ruin the momentum you guys had." He explains.

"I'm really sorry!" Ryu apologizes again and Daichi smirks.

"I'm fine." He says. "Ennoshita you are gonna be a great captain." Daichi remarks and we all nod n agreement as the boy blushes.


"Yes Kiyoko?" 

"I saw you mange the team. You are gonna be a great manager. I'm glad you are here."  She smiles and I tear up.

"Th-thank you so much Kiyoko." I sniffle as I give her a hug which she accepts and hugs. When we release the hug Keishin-nii comes up to me and gives me and ruffles my hair.

"You would make Gramps real proud kid." He smiles and I smile too.

We go back to the halls to where our stuff is lined up against the wall. We have another hour til our next match and Takeda is checking out who our opponent is. Takeda pops up and we all await his answer.

"Aoba Josiah." He says and the whole teams eyes fill up with determination. Things will be different now we are gonna win. I'm gonna look Yahaba up and down with eyes of pit-

"I NEED TO PEE BECAUSE I'M NERVOUS AND I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE BATHROOM IS!" Hinata yells and I shriek in surprise.  I sigh and tap Ryu to tell him I'm gonna bring Hinata to the bathroom.

"I'll take you. Lets go before you pee your pants." I laugh as we jog to the bathroom.

I wait for him outside while he does his business.


"Oh? Hey Oikawa, Iwa." I smile. "I haven't seen you two in a while."

"Since our team beat you asses!" Oikawa jokes and I just laugh as he is then beaten by Iwa.

"It's ok Iwa. It's our turn to beat your asses on the court today.'' I smirk and they do the same.

Hinata comes out of the bathroom and shrieks.

"GREAT KING!" He shouts. 

"You flatter me shrimpy." He smirks before he and Iwa turn to me.

"Good luck." They say before going into a hug. 

"Good luck." I say back. 

Sure we aren't best friends but we are friends who can go for weeks without talking to each other, but when we do we make it count. One thing I'm sure of is that Karasuno will be the victor this time around.

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