Part 25 - Nationals Part 2

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I walk into the inn and make my way to the girls dorm but I pass by the common room first where the rest of the team sees me. I pause as they all look at me. My eyes are red and swollen and my chest is heaving up and down. I look at them once more and let out a sob before running to my shared room with Yachi and Kiyoko. 

I go into my futon and burry my head into my pillow. Damn't Gramps I knew I should have stayed with you. And Tanaka, we agreed we would just be friends for now. Why would you kiss me? Especially with everything happening with you Kanoka-san and Kiyoko. 


Fuck. I can't sleep. I pretended to be asleep when Kiyoko and Yachi came in but I haven't been sleeping and its already 1 in the morning. Our game tomorrow is at 12 but we wake up for practice at 8. 

I quietly step out of our room and walk back into the common room. I sit on the cushion chair next to the window and look out. I look at pictures on my phone and see one Noya took during that one weekend where the two came with me to stay over at Gramps. Gramps has his arm around my shoulder and stares at R-Tanaka with a strict look on his face as my then, almost-boyfriend waves his hands in the air defensively.  I look at the picture and smile before I wipe my eyes. I'm crying again. Great my eyes are gonna go even more swollen.

"Y/N? Why are you up so late?"  Tanaka asks walking up to me and sitting in the cushion chair next to mine. 

"I couldn't sleep." I say quietly turning my head away from him so he doesn't see me cry. "What about you?"

"I went to get a glass of water." He says. "Why are you crying?" He asks softly.

"Gramps had a heart attack. He had one last year and the year before he third years joined the team." I explain. Playing with my fingers. There's a long pause where I guess Tanaka is trying to figure out what to say."You don't have to wait for me anymore." I sigh finally looking at him.

"What do you mean?" He asks. His brows meeting in the middle.

"I mean you can date whoever you want now. I haven't been fair to you. If I keep holding onto you I can never move on to, so it's a win for us both." I sniffle combing my hands through my hair.

"Y/N are you serious?" He asks dumfound and I nod. "That's fucking stupid and you know it." He scoffs flopping into his chair.

"How is it stupid? You're the one who lied to me and used me to get a girl jealous. I'm doing you a favour." I say getting more annoyed. I wipe my eyes again and look out the window.

"Why are you even telling me this?" He asks annoyed. Rubbing the top of his head in a frustrated way.

"I see the way Kanoka-san talks to you nod she definitely likes you. I don't want you wasting your time when you can be with her or keep trying with Kiyoko." I say.

"Of course I want to be with you that's why I'm waiting." he explains and I laugh a little.

"You make me really confused Tanaka. One minute you are all over Kiyoko and then the next thing you do is kiss me on the cheek. I-I'm tired of it... of t-this." I sob gently.

"S-so what? Are we d-done?" He asks and chokes up on his words.

"Ya. We are done. Just friends. For good this time." I sigh looking at him. I get up and make my way back to bed.

"Fuck." He lets out a weird sob and I feel more tears come from my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." I whisper not looking back at him.

"I'm still going to wait for you. I w-will" Tanaka sighs. I look back at him wiping his eyes and I  cry more.

"Good night Tanaka. S-sleep well." I cry out before going back to my room.


I let out a yawn as I stretch out my back. Raising my arms in the air until my back feels less tight. It's 30 minutes before the Inarizaki match and we are in the halls of the stadium stretching.

"Y/N! Come here!" Big brother calls out to me and I rush to his side. 

"Gramps is out of the hospital. He's back at his house but the neighbours check on him." He says and I smile.

"He is?" I ask happily and my brother nods.

"I got a call 5 minutes ago. After this game we go see him." e says and I nod excitedly tearing up a bit.

"Yes please!" I say happily as I give him a hug. We release the hug and I walk around the boys to check if one of them needs something. 

"Y/N! I MISSED YOU!" I'm suddenly crushed in a into a hug and I let out a huff.

"Hey Saeko!" I say happily. Hugging the arms around mine.

"Hope my little brother hasn't been a total dick head to you!" She smiles but glares at Tanaka.

"N-no he's fine!" I say quickly and she nods.

"Well I'm gonna be in the stands cheering you guys on! Bye baby sister!" She yells as she walks off down the hallway. I look down the empty hallway and smile. That's Saeko for you. I miss seeing her on weekends when I went over to help Tanaka study. I miss the Tanaka's all together really. Even though he's ten feet away from me I really miss Tanaka. I wish things could go back to the way they were. When I was unaware of his lies. 

"Let's go guys! We gotta get to the court!" Daichi calls out and they go to the court while Yachi and I go to the boarded off area near the edge of the court. 

Match 2 - Inarizaki 

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