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Oceana's Pov

October 24th: Late Morning

Waking up this morning I still felt sleepy even though I just slept, but anyways today was the day of bubba's party and I was leaving him with the boys until the party started.

Since Khalil was still sleep I slowly got out of bed, and when my feet touched the ground I rushed to the bathroom so I wouldn't wake him up.

A bitch was sneaking out the house today.

I already knew if I woke him up and told him I was leaving he would ask me fifty million questions or he would even try and follow me sooooooo, I was gone leave his ass home knocked out while I go pick up Mama G.

The rest of his family landed yesterday. For the most part I'm cool with his family except from his Aunt Tina she always thought I was using Khalil and wasn't good enough for him.

Mama G purposely didn't invite her, but her big floppy ass found her way on the plane and is coming to party.

Ouuuu I was so mad when I heard her name my petty ass was finna cancel the whole party, and just have one with the crew and Mama G and just say fuck erbody else, but I didn't I'm just gone try and be grown about the whole situation.

Going to my closet I packed me up an outfit for tonight. I wasn't gonna be home in time to change and stuff so after DreDre does my hair, and I get dressed I'm going straight to the party to surprise papa.

After packing my outfit I went to the bathroom and started packing my other things like deodorant and stuff of that nature. Setting my bag on the counter I started the shower.

55 minutes later...

I was now dressed in a chill outfit with my bag on my back, and my charger and phone in one hand and my keys in the other.

Kissing Khalil's cheek and slowly closing the room door behind me then making my way to the elevator.

I officially snuck out the house, when I get to the airport I'll text Khalil he should be up by then looking for me.

Reaching our personal parking garage I couldn't help, but smile looking at my Audi my shit was pressuh. Unlocking the door I got inside then placed my bag in the backseat. I pressed the button and the brake at the same time and then my car started then I turned on my music.

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