Chapter Eight

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"What even are these?" Lin muttered.

"I call them shooters."

"And what do they do?" Korra questioned as she picked up the small weapon. "When did you have the time to make this, anyway?" the Avatar continued.

"It's a weapon incorporating a metal tube from which bullets, shells, or other missiles are propelled by explosive force, typically making a characteristic loud, sharp noise, I was working on it before the whole Kuvira situation, thought we'd need something more than bending, turns out it wasn't the case at the time, it's still not perfected but I think it'll do."

The police officers and Avatar all gawked at her in shock. Mako was the first to respond, "Can you explain that again, this time in English?"

"And what's a bullet?" Bolin muttered.

Asami sighed and turned to Bolin, "It's a metal projectile for firing from a shooter, or other small firearms, typically cylindrical and pointed, and sometimes containing an explosive."

"What the kid said, use English," Lin replied.

"This," she said as she pointed to the shooter, "Is a weapon which you aim at your enemy and when you pull this," the engineer continued, pointing at the trigger, "Is what triggers the bullet to hit someone."

"Ohh, that makes sense," Bolin countered, "What's a bullet, thought? And what are other firearms?"

"This is a bullet," she pointed the small pointy thingy at his face.

"This is actually not so bad..." Lin mumbled as she took a look at one of the shooters, "What does it do to the enemy? Stun them? Shock them?"

"It kills them," Asami replied.

The police officers and Avatar's eyes widened, "Woah, hold up, woman. What do you mean it kills them?" Lin snapped.

"Chief, this is metal. And this shoots metal at you, from a distance. A long-distance, it's fast, and if it hits you, you're most likely going to die."

Lin looked baffled, she tried composing herself but failed. The weapon could come in handy, but it was dangerous.

"Chief, you're not actually considering this, right?" Mako asked.

"No, of course not, this is way too dangerous-"

The engineer cut her off, "But it could work."

"Keyword, Asami. It could. We're not using this, end of discussion," Korra snapped. The green-eyed woman glared at the Avatar before sighing, "Well, sorry, but then I have nothing."

"I'd appreciate it if you'd stop working on this altogether," Lin said.

"What why?"

"Do I honestly need to explain myself?" the chief asked and the engineer nodded, "Imagine if someone like Zaheer or Kuvira get their hands on something like this, everyone is as dead as we know it, stop working on it before it falls into the wrong hands."

Asami stayed quiet. She hadn't thought about it that way. Maybe it was best if she let this new invention- weapon go.

"Wait where are we going?" Mako asked as Korra and Lin started to walk out of the place.

"We're doing this the old fashion way. Mako, call back up, we're going to the Triads warehouse."


"That spirit intended to kill me. Instead, I've become stronger, quicker, and the changes are more than just physical. My mind is sharper and clearer than it's ever been. You could say, I've had an awakening. I've seen beyond my initial vision for the Triple Threats. I realized my plan for us was too small... and far too limiting. Fighting with the Creeping Crystals over a few city blocks isn't worth our time and effort ..."

"...and serving as someone else's muscle is beneath us. From now on, we call the shots. My new aim is for the Triple Threats to seize control of Republic City and become the most dominant triad in history."

Tokuga finished his speech, "We will possess enormous financial and military power."

"Sounds great to me, boss. But where are we gonna get all the money and weapons you're talking about?"

"I've arranged with Wonyong Keum to become our new benefactor, so our money problem is solved. And there's a weapons depot outside the city where the police are keeping all the tanks, airships, and mecha-suits from Kuvira's failed invasion. There's a whole army's worth of equipment just sitting there, waiting for us to put it to good use."

A team of police officers was roaming the warehouse. Mako, Bolin, Lin, Asami, and Korra investigated the second floor, they found nothing. Lin's team headed toward the warehouse, they all took their positions as she used seismic sense to check the interior of the warehouse.

"I picked up at least a dozen people on the lower level. Get ready to move," she spoke.

They all moved down into the lower level of the warehouse. Mako and Korra bent a small flame in their hands to light their way.

"Soon, the police, even the Avatar... they will all answer to me," Tokuga finished his speech while Lin burst open through the door using her metal bending, "Police! Everyone freeze!"

The team looked confused. Where they expected to meet a bunch of gang members there stood mannequins wearing sinister-looking masks. Tokuga and the Triads were at a completely different location.

"But for us to evolve, the old regime must die. And the first to go will be Chief Beifong and her triad task force," he finally finished his speech.

Mako looked around. This seemed familiar in a way he couldn't describe. When Bolin and he were working for the triads when they were kids, they pulled the same stunt once, he just couldn't remember what happened.

His eyes widened in realization, "Everyone out now!"

Lin, Bolin, and Asami were pushed away by Korra as quickly as possible when the explosion erupted through the warehouse. The trio desperately ran for their lives when Mako and Korra tried to prevent the firey flames from the explosion reach the others.

Before long the flames dissipated, leaving only the burnt remains of the destroyed mannequins. The danger was averted which made Mako gasp in pain before he slumped against the doorframe and clutched his injured arm as Bolin came over.

Korra was thrown back by the explosion when she tried to suppress it from blowing everything up with her airbending. She hit her head against some metal frames almost blacking out in the process. The Avatar hissed in pain when Asami helped her up.

"Are you two alright?" Lin questioned.

Mako replied, "More or less. I'm sorry, Chief. I thought we had a solid lead."

"It's not your fault. Tokuga was one step ahead of us. But I won't let him outsmart us again," she replied as she turned to the officers, "Sweep what's left of the room. See if Tokuga left behind any clues where he might be hiding.

As Lin gave these orders Mako, Bolin, Korra, and Asami were already headed outside.

"They're not going to find anything down there. But there's still one last lead we haven't followed up on yet," Mako stated.

"Wonyong Keum? But Beifong said-"

"I don't care what she said, Bolin. Tokuga almost killed us. If Wonyong knows something, then he's our only shot at tracking him down."

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