Chapter Six

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"Chief, I don't have time for this," Korra snapped.

"I don't see you having to do anything more important so shut up and listen," Lin snapped back.

Nothing important to do? Tell that to Asami Sato, Korra thought as her glare fixated on the chief of police. Lin grabbed the paper from Bolin's hands and read aloud, "After Tokuga was attacked by a dragon-eel spirit, he and the Triple Threats fled in vehicles heading west, while the spirits returned into the portal."

She glanced at the earth bender with a raised eyebrow, "Next time you write a police report, make it readable, your penmanship looks like possum-chicken scratch!"

"Sorry, ma'am," Bolin muttered.

"There's one more thing, Chief -- We think Tokuga was hired to attack the airbenders," Mako butted in.

Lin looked intrigued, "Hired? By who?"

"Wonyong Keum, the rich dude who tried to buy the spirit portal a couple of weeks ago," Korra replied.

"What makes you think it was him?"

"The airbenders had a run-in with him at the portal a few days before Tokuga showed up."

"Yeah, Korra said that this Wonyong guy threatened the airbenders if they didn't get off his land," Bolin said and added, emphatically, "No one threatens my Opal!"

"I was thinking we could bring Mr. Keum in for questioning and-"

Lin slammed her hand on the table startling the trio, "You'll do no such thing!"

"What? Why not?" Korra said.

"Wonyong Keum is Republic City's most powerful and well-connected land developer."

"Yeah, but that doesn't make him above the law," Mako replied, confused.

"No. But it makes him very difficult to get to. Unless you bring me some hard evidence that Keum is in tight with the Triple Threats, I'm not going near the guy. Understood?"

Bolin responded, "Yes, chief."

Korra, Bolin, and Mako walked out of Lin's office. The trio was quietly walking down the carpeted land by the desks and working officers.

The earth bender broke the silence, "Guess that's a dead end."

"Right," Korra muttered, seemingly she was in a hurry, she was about to bid the two brothers goodbye but Mako cut her off.

"Maybe not. I think it's time we pay Ping a visit."

The Avatar looked at him with a confused expression, "Who the hell is Ping?"

"A Triad member, c'mon let's go before Lin finds out what we're up to."

"Actually, you two go, I have some business I have to take care of first," Korra replied as they got outside.


Asami was struggling with the current plan for the western rebuilding. They were low on earth benders and constriction wasn't the easiest to come by with president Raiko's generous loan. Which wasn't so generous.

"How's the rebuilding going?" Korra said as she walked into her office, Asami stared at the girl making her take a step back, "You look like shit," the Avatar replied.

"Gee, thank you, Korra as if I didn't already know that," the engineer spat out.

"I'm sensing that the whole rebuilding Republic City thing is a little stressful, you look like you haven't slept in days."

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