11. Long Lost

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"Where is Brenda?" I asked as Newt helped me sit up.

"She should be around here somewhere," he looked over to me and took my hand in his. Sparks still shot through me like the first time we touched. "You need to know though love, she was bit by a crank."

My mind suddenly raced. "Is she turning? How long ago? Is she alright?"

"Woah woah," he pulled me towards him and covered my mouth with his hand. It was then that I saw how large his hand was. It covered most of my face and then some.

"You can just talk to her yourself," he turned and led me out of the room we were in.

That led to the question of where we were. I blacked out before I got the see the Right Arm, but if WCKD attacted them, they must have moved.

When we got out of the building I saw the ocean. We were somewhere along the coast in an abandoned town by the looks of it.

A large ship sat along the dock.

It was dilapidated by the years of neglect, but the Right Arm had refurbished the insides to make them livable.

We continued down a pavement road covered with dirt until we were walking into a parking garage.

I saw Brenda sitting inside of a truck while Jorge worked under the hood.

Beth looked up and smiled. "Beth," she exclaimed and climbed out of the truck.

I wrapped my arms around her as she ran to me. I winced from the sudden movement, but ignored it.

"Are you okay?" I pulled back and took her face into my hands. "I heard you were bitten."

"Yes I am fine," she said with a smile. "Mary got me the serum from Thomas's blood. But how are you?"

"I am fine," I rolled my shoulder. "A little sore, but good."

"Good," she smiled.

"Hermana," Jorge said with a smile and wrapped his arms around me. "Glad to see you upright."

"What is the plan?" I asked.

Brenda sighed. "It is almost impossible, but Thomas is planning it and we are crazy so I think it might work."

I laughed. She was right. We were crazy.

She explained that we are going to attack the transport train when they are moving Minho.

We know that the train runs once a month, every month. And we know where the tracks are, so know we just have to figure out how to get Minho off the train.

She was right, it did sound impossible, but we could do it.

A bell rang in the distance and I heard people walking outside.

"Come on," Newt wrapped his arm around me. "It's dinner time."

He led me to a larger building that people were filling into. There were a lot of people here. Were they all from WCKD? What were they going to do? Surely WCKD would find this place eventually.

As if he heard my thoughts, Newt said, "We are going to take the ship to an island Vince calls the Safe Haven. It is far from being ready to go, probably in a few months it will be ready."

I nodded my head and kept walking, getting into line. As we got closer to getting our food, I saw Frypan dishing out food. I smiled.

I completely froze when I saw the person I never thought I would see again.

There, he was, the boy who helped me escape WCKDs evil grip so many years ago.

"Niko?" I said.

The Scorch Trials: A Newt FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora