9. Now Isn't The Time For Beauty Sleep

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Newt P.O.V.

I didn’t pull away until I felt her go limp in my arms.

I pulled back, my lips suddenly feeling cold.

My stomach turned when she kissed me. I was nervous and brave at the same time. Ready for more but scared to do anything else. I have never felt that feeling before and I was craving more. I was craving Beth.

I looked at her. Her eyes were closed, her long eyelashes resting on her cheeks. She looked so peaceful.

"Beth," I asked and shook her gently. "Come on love, wake up."

She didn't move. People were rushing around me, but they were just blurs with muffed voices.

Suddenly Brenda came into view. She yanked my head to face her.

"Lets go," she yelled. She seemed pale and looked sickly. Probably was just because her sister was shot.

I quickly snapped out of the trance I was in. I jumped up and pulled her into my arms. One under her knees and the other behind her shoulders, careful not to touch her gun wound.

We ran, following the two girls. I belive Sonya and Harriet were their names.

"Back up, Joe!" One of the girls said and a large truck backed out of the way so we could get through the tunnel.

We jumped into trucks and they sped off.

I looked down to her. When we had crawled into the trucks, I wouldn't let her go so she layed in my lap like a baby.

Brenda sat beside us, putting pressure on the wound.

"Bloody hell," I mumbled as I looked how blood soaked her clothes were. She had lost to much blood.

Beth was short of breath and I noticed how there was a gurgle when she breathed out. It must've his a lung.

"She will be fine," Brenda said with a rugged breath.

"You doing alright?" I asked her. She was sweating now and her lips were turning a strange color.

"I'm fine," she argued. "Just focus on her."

The drive seemed like it lasted to long. Every moment was precious time that Beths life was depending on.

"Can you go any faster," I asked as I chewed on my nails.

"I'm going as fast as I can!"

Finally we pulled into camp. I didn't even bother looking around, I just followed Sonya as she led me to what I hoped was the doctor.

Brenda was following behind, but she seemed slower than usual.

"Mary!" Sonya yelled as we got closer to the tent.

"Oh dear," a older woman said when we entered a tent. "Lay her here."

I quickly did what she said and tried to control my breathing. Not only was I panicked, but I ran all the way here with her in my arms.

"Who are you?" The woman asked.

"I'm from WCKD," I uttered, to worried to really think about my answer. "I am with Thomas and the rest."

"Thomas?" Mary looked up, she looked to be shocked.

Suddenly Brenda fell to the floor beside us.

Mary rushed to her side and looked her over before gently pulling up her pant leg. A large bite mark was under it.

"Shit," she said. "Go get Thomas."

I was frozen, were we going to loose both sisters.

I looked to Beth. Pain filled my chest at the thought of loosing her. I felt something for her that I never had felt before. If I lost her, I would finally loose myself completely.

"Go," Mary screeched and I ran out to get Thomas.

Everything seemed to be falling apart. Like sand between my fingers, I could do nothing it stop it.

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