32. "I've had enough"

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A week and a half passed, and I've been so busy working and caring for Emmy

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A week and a half passed, and I've been so busy working and caring for Emmy. I haven't seen much of anyone besides at work or when Noah goes to the store for me. It was a nice gesture considering I'm doing him a big favor, but he agreed to wash my car. They all seemed to be having fun without me, sending me snaps at tattoo parties, and being themselves, but I can't be mad. I agreed to help, which takes up a lot of my time.

"Cass, can you get me five shots of fireball? Please? I'm soooo behind." Brooklyn said, tapping her manicured nails against the marble top.

I grabbed six glasses and placed them in a line, and picked up the preferred drink to pour. "Ew, who asks for fireball?" My face turned, smelling the strong cinnamon scent from the alcohol. She seemed flustered, red from running around because the club was insanely packed—more than usual. There was no special occasion to my knowledge, but Lily could've just failed to mention it to me.

She loudly sighed, dramatically wiping her forehead. "These country, cousin-fucking assholes." She sat down on the barstool but quickly got back up.

She grabbed a tray as we put the glasses in a circle. "Take a deep breath. Is everything okay?" I asked as she went crazy.

She vibrated her lips and grabbed her hair. "I'm stressed the fuck out. Natalie is annoying as hell and pissing me off; these men won't stop trying to touch me, and I can't do shit but hope they tip me, and just..this place. And I have to pee."

I was about to reply when I saw Courtney walking towards the bar, making eyes with both Brooklyn and me. Brook quickly grabbed the tray and walked towards the group of older men, swooning over her.

She stood on the opposite side. "You asked to speak to me?" She said as I closed some of the tabs on my screen.

Courtney looked as if she had an attitude, batting her false eyelashes. Her face was layered in makeup and her hair in soft curls. "Yeah, I had a question that I'm sure you could answer." I knew she was Zane's assistant, always by his side, and I had a bone to pick with him. Part of me envied her because I know she and Gael have been together, at least that's what I assumed.

"I doubt it," She snickered, checking the time on her phone. "But shoot."

I sighed under my breath. "Out of curiosity, what did it matter to Zane about me being adopted? Why did he even ask?"

"Cassie, Zane has his reasoning for the things he does and sometimes without my knowing. Even still, I'm not allowed to speak about things between him and me. But he doesn't like to be questioned, so let it go." She assured me, which pissed me off. Why would I let that go?

I scoffed. "So, then who do I talk to? Human resources?"

Courtney's eyes dropped as her phone started ringing. "I'll give you the number to HR, but you'll be talking to me. Sorry, but I'll help you file a complaint if you like?"

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