The Dark Secret of Harvest House

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"Should've known you'd be here."

Lexy, suddenly snapped out of her thoughts, jumped at the sound of a voice, making her lose her balance for a second and almost fall off the scaffolding.

"Please don't die today." Sweetpea said casually, earning nothing but a glare from Lexy.

He sighed, looking around the corpse of what used to be the drive-in. This was going to be hard. Lexy Andrews sure knew how to hold a grudge.

"Can I join you?" He asked.

She rolled her eyes. "You can do whatever you want, Sweetpea. Just like always."

Her words were cold and uncaring, something she thought would make him feel unwelcome. Sweetpea saw what she was trying to do, but wasn't falling into that trap. He shrugged and began climbing the raggedy ladder carefully, praying it wouldn't break with the weight. Lexy prayed for the opposite.

When he made it to the top of the scaffolding, where the screen of the drive-in used to be held, he left a comfortable difference between himself and Lexy. Invading her personal space right now probably wasn't a good idea. Especially on such a high platform.

Lexy noticed Sweetpea eyeing the distant ground nervously.

"I'm not gonna push you off." She grumbled.

He let out a relieved laugh. "Wouldn't really blame you." He then admitted.

Lexy saw what was coming and rejected it. "If this is some lame apology-"

"You don't get to dictate whether or not I apologize to you, Lexy." Sweetpea countered.

"If you're apologising to me, I should get a say in it."

Sweetpea had to be sure to keep his voice down and his temper controlled. Lexy knew him all too well and she knew exactly how to push his buttons.

"I'm sorry." He said. He waited for her to interrupt him, but she didn't. "I'm sorry for talking about you and your accident and Sydney to my prom date. It was stupid and I didn't think about you while I was doing it."

"No you didn't." Lexy agreed, although her tone was a lot less harsh. "I guess... you're forgiven."

Sweetpea nodded and the two sat in silence for a few minutes, not knowing whether the conversation was finished or not.

"I'm sorry for more than just that though." He added.

Lexy raised a brow. "Like what?"

"For keeping secrets from you. For dumping you when you needed me. For pursuing you when you got out of hospital." He listed all of his previous mistakes. "For making you feel guilty for trying to move on with your life."

Lexy shook her head. "I don't think you were that bad."

"Well I definitely was not the victim in the situation."

Lexy scoffed. "Same."

"How about I make you a promise?" Sweetpea suggested.

She gestured for him to continue.

"I promise... that I'm done chasing you. I'm done asking you out, making you jealous. Done being the crazy ex-boyfriend."

This caught Lexy a little off guard. What did this mean? He was done chasing her. Had he just... lost the way he used to feel about her?

"Done being the crazy ex-boyfriend, huh?" She asked instead of voicing her concerns.

He nodded and chuckled lightly.

Lexy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now