Survive the Night

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Lexy sat on the balcony of the Lodge's pristine penthouse apartment overlooking a busy New York City street. She spent the good half of her morning trying to count every taxi she saw, but eventually her concentration levels plummeted.

She passed the rest day by playing dress up in the Lodge women's clothing. She currently found herself lying on a deck chair in the let night air wearing a floppy hat, some large sunglasses and a pair of white satin gloves she found in Hermione Lodge's drawer.

Perhaps that was rude of her, snooping through her closet, but she couldn't help herself. She accidentally came across a pair of Hermione's entirely bejewelled stilettos and was sent down a rabbit hole.

The sound of her phone ringing inside the apartment snapped her out of her daze and she quickly went to answer it. Probably her mother calling yet again to berate her for going to New York without telling anyone. Besides Veronica.

But the closer she got to the phone she realized there was no caller ID. Maybe she was just being paranoid again, but this couldn't be a good thing. She slowly walked to the marble island and picked up the phone before she could overthink anymore.

She took a deep breath. "Hello?"

Someone huffed on the other side of the phone. "Finally! Let me guess, the no caller ID thing freaked you out and so you walked towards the phone in slow motion taking deep breaths?"

Harriet. She laughed at her own made up scenario, causing Lexy to roll her eyes.

"What do you want Harriet?"

"Way to greet a person who almost died because of you!"

Unfortunately, her voice was a lot better today than it was the day before.

"I'm hanging up-" Lexy threatened.

"Okay fine. Your boy toy paid me a visit yesterday. Unfortunately, it was a little more business than it was pleasure." Harriet sounded like she was having too much fun. Did her nurses give her too many meds?

"Sweetpea? What was he visiting you for?" Lexy questioned.

"Well it certainly wasn't to bring me flowers!" Harriet joked. "He told me you had a change of heart."

Lexy furrowed her brows. Change of heart? She didn't risk saying anything and waited for Harriet to continue.

"That if you found out who this gargoyle was, you'd kill him." She confirmed.

He knew Lexy was not going to kill anyone. She couldn't risk getting into anymore trouble. So Sweetpea lied to Harriet in order to get her to give Lexy a name. Smart.

"Does this mean..." Lexy trailed off.

"Yes. I'm gonna tell you who it is. Assuming you still want me to."

She froze in shock for a second. This was... easy? Almost too easy. Especially for Harriet. There was always an ulterior motive with her. And whatever Harriet was getting out of this probably wasn't worth it.

"Wait. Why should I believe you?"

Harriet groaned. "Like I said yesterday, I never lie. And at this point... what do I have to loose? I almost died because of this guy. Not giving you guys his name means he's still freely walking around out there. Possibly planning to strike again."

Lexy shrugged. "Makes sense, I guess. Okay, who is it?"

Jamie, Greg or Dana. One of them was about to get caught out. Because of Harriet, of all people. As much as Lexy hated that girl, she was definitely the wrong person to make an enemy out of. And at this point, whoever hit her with a truck was at the top of her kill list more than Lexy was.

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