Brave New World

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"Finally, the martyr awakens! How was your little snooze Jesus Christ superstar?" Lexy exclaimed when Jughead opened his eyes for the first time since he was brought to the hospital.

"Lexy, take it easy on him-" Fp started.

She took out her coin and flicked it at Jughead's head, making him flinch.

"You are such a bonehead! You tried to sacrifice yourself to the Ghoulies, key word being tried considering you couldn't even die the right way. Little tip, when you die, you're supposed to stay dead! But you are lucky because if you did die I would have killed you!"

Fp and Jughead simply chuckled to themselves. She had been worried sick for the last twelve hours about her friend, and now that he was awake, all she could do was yell at him.

"So you're not happy to see me at all?" Jughead asked.

Lexy thought for a moment. "Ask me again in two days, when I've hopefully cooled off."

Jughead raised a brow and smiled at her. That's all it took for Lexy to crack and run to his bedside to wrap her arms around him.

"Only you, Lexy Andrews, would yell at someone who was just within an inch of death." He laughed.

Lexy pulled out of the hug. "I'll go get you something to eat. You're starting to look a little skinny after not eating for twelve hours."

She walked out of the hospital room to the cafeteria.

"So, what'd I miss?" He asked Fp, referring to the rumble between the Ghoulies and the Serpents.


After the rumble between the Ghoulies and the Serpents the night of the riots, the Ghoulies destroyed Sunnyside trailer park. All of the trailers, all of those homes, burnt to the ground. The Serpents were now living in the Whyte Wyrm, with the few possessions they managed to save from their burning houses.

"You guys can't keep staying here Sweetpea. It's inhumane." Lexy said as her and Sweetpea sat on the pool table.

"Unfortunately Princess, we don't have much of a choice." Sweetpea sighed.

"There has to be somewhere else in town. Somewhere more... homey."

Sweetpea couldn't help but be amused at her efforts to help them even in hopeless times. "Like where?" He asked.

"What if we got people to rent out rooms on the Northside-"

"They won't."

"That motel, the one on the other side of Sweetwater river. Maybe the Serpents could-"

"They can't."

"Well what if I tried-"

"You can't." He laughed and took hold of her shoulders. "Look, I'm sorry to be the one who has to tell you this, Princess, but there's nothing you can do to save us this time."

"But that's really annoying!" Lexy whined.

"Isn't it? For once I'm actually jealous of Fangs."

"You're jealous of your best friend who almost died from being shot in the stomach?"

"Yep. Because while we're all cramped in this bar, he's in a hospital ward with nurses waiting on him hand and foot." Sweetpea sighed wishfully.

Lexy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now