Fast Times at Riverdale High

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Summer was slow. Really slow. At least for the Andrews family.

A family that was a little smaller now.

Just a mother, a son and a daughter.

The world lost an amazing father when Fred Andrews passed away that summer. It lost an amazing person. And even in his last seconds he showed no selfishness, only kindness... and heroism. Fred Andrews died a hero, something that surprised nobody.

But now the sun was a little dimmer, the streets were a little quieter, the skies were a little duller and the house was a little emptier.

Archie was keeping busy. He was keeping the gym in top shape, trying to expand and find new ways to honor his father's legacy. Right now, a community centre was his striving goal. When he wasn't working at the gym or checking up on his family, he was hanging out with the gang.

Mary was sad. Fred always had a special place in her heart, through good times and bad. She'd be lying if she said just being in that house everyday and sleeping in the bed they used to share wasn't hard, but she'd have to tough it out.

Lexy spent all of June in New York, an attempt at a break from Riverdale. Veronica visited on and off, mainly to introduce Lexy to her friends up there so she wasn't always alone. Surprisingly it worked.

At first she assumed they'd all be stuck up and too rich for their own good. Yes, they were rich, but they weren't stuck up at all. A friend of Veronica's was a friend to them. And the best part... they knew nothing about her life in Riverdale, which was nice. Although, she knew they were curious, but they never asked questions.

And just when everything seemed to be going great, someone, maybe God or maybe the universe decided it was the end of time.

She came straight home when she got the call about her dad. And as soon as the funeral ended, she realized she couldn't leave again. She needed to be there for her mom and brother. As much as it pained her to be in that town.

So the rest of the summer was spent with her mom. They took care of each other.

As Lexy drove through the picturesque maple forests with every window in the car down, the peaceful silence was interrupted by her duck quacking ringtone.

"I know, I know, I'm late. Don't lecture me, I'm almost there!" Lexy assured Toni who was undoubtedly impatient on the other side of the phone.

"Easy for you to say, you're not trapped alone with Cheryl Bombshell! You know how she gets on the first day of school!" Toni sounded like she was in a survivor documentary.

"Distract her with shiny things."

She could practically hear Toni's eyes rolling. "Ha-ha. You better have a good excuse once you get here. At this rate we're barely gonna be there in time for first class"

Lexy grinned to herself. "Relax, I'll get us there in time."

"Why did you say it like that?"

"I'll see you in fifteen seconds Toto!" Lexy cut her off to keep the air of mystery.

Over the summer, along with making sure her mom was okay, Lexy had started to get close with her friends again. She felt isolated a lot over the last year, with everything that went down with the gargoyle, but as a favor to her dad, who always loved how easily Lexy made friends, she decided to make the effort to become part of the group again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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