The Watcher In The Woods

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"Little A, I need to talk to you." Reggie huffed, running down the hallway to Lexy who he had spent the past half hour looking for.

"If this is about the biology test next week, no. You cannot cheat off of me." She said, slamming her locker door shut.

"What!? Oh come on, please- wait! That's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

She laughed and rolled her eyes. "What is it then?"

Reggie led her out the doors of the school with an arm slung around her. Lexy received a few jealous glares from other girls as they walked so cosily together. She was used to it at this point, but Reggie and her were just friends. He was pretty touchy-feely though and a constant flirt so she couldn't really blame people for getting the wrong idea.

The two took a seat at a lunch table outside and Lexy eyed Reggie suspiciously.

"Okay, you have something to tell me, we're seated in an area with no witnesses.. Reggie, did you get a girl pregnant? I told you to use protection!" Lexy exclaimed.

"No, I did not get a girl pregnant! Why? You jealous?" He smirked.

She rolled her eyes and flicked her coin at his head.

"Listen..." He steered the conversation back on track.

Now she knew something bad was coming.

"Last night, after the fundraiser for Pop's, Moose and Midge went to Lover's Lane and they were... they were shot, Lex."

Lexy froze. She didn't hear what she thought she just heard. There was no way. Moose and Midge were two of the best people she knew. Moose and his love for root beer floats and hot dogs, which Lexy never thought went together. Midge always talking to Lexy when she felt lonely in the bleachers during football games, even though cheerleaders weren't supposed to leave the sidelines. These weren't possibly things that she would never be able to see and do again.

"Are... are they..." Lexy started.

"No. God no! Midge is fine. She didn't get hit. But Moose is in the hospital. I think he'll be alright." Reggie reassured her.

Lexy sighed in relief. "Who is this guy?" She then asked.

"What guy?"

"The guy shooting everyone we know."

"You don't seriously think this is the same guy, do you?"

"You don't seriously think my dad and our two best friends getting shot just weeks apart is a coincidence, do you?"

Reggie looked to the ground and sighed. "Maybe? I don't know. But if it is the same guy, who will he come after next?" He asked.

"I'm not sure. Archie's convinced himself this guy is coming after people he cares about."

Reggie's stare suddenly hardened and Lexy knew exactly what he was thinking.

"He's not gonna come after me." She assured him.

"How do you know that?" He asked not trusting her.

"Because if he does imma shove my coin down his throat."

Reggie couldn't help but laugh at this statement. Her dad and her friends almost died yet she still managed to make him laugh. What did they world do to deserve this girl?

"I'm gonna find out who this guy is, Reg." She then said, and it sounded like a promise.

Reggie opened his mouth to protest but before he could say a word Lexy spoke again.

"But first we're gonna visit Moose. Me, you and all the football team." She stood up from the bench.

"Cool." Reggie said, following her into the student lounge where the two rallied the rest of the Bulldogs together.


"So are your nurses hot, cause like what if you pop a boner during a sponge bath?" Reggie asked, eating ice cream and lying on the side of Moose's bed.

"Reggie Mantle; Always asking the important questions." Lexy joked, before taking her own spoon and digging into his ice cream.

Moose laughed for a second before Archie started interrogating him again.

"And he wasn't wearing a ski mask? It was a black hood for sure?" He asked.

Moose nodded.

"Is there anything else you remember about how he looked?"

"His eyes." Moose remembered.

"They're green, right?"

"They were blank." A new voice said.

Everyone turned to see Midge Klump standing in the doorway, holding a stuffed animal but looking petrified as she talked about the man who almost killed her boyfriend.

"It was like there wasn't even a person behind them. He was like Michael Meyers. He had the devil's eyes." Midge finished, before walking towards Moose and handing him the stuffed animal.

Reggie was holding a spoon full of ice cream in front of his face as he listened to Midge. Lexy could tell he was creeped out by what Midge had said. But they were here to make Moose feel better and so far all anyone was doing was killing the mood.

Lexy smacked the spoon up to Reggie's face without any warning, causing vanilla ice cream to get all over his nose and cheeks.

She covered her mouth as she began to laugh. Everyone's jaws dropped. Reggie slowly walked towards Lexy and she knew what was coming so instead of sticking around for it, she turned on her heels and took off running down the hallway, laughing and screaming.

"Oh no you don't, Andrews! Come back here and face the music!" He shouted as he chased after her.

Lexy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now