Shadow Of A Doubt

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"Guys, I need to tell you something..." Moose said. "The night of the show, Midge and I got in a fight backstage because she admitted she was seeing someone else behind my back."

"Who?" Archie asked.

"She let it slip that it was a Serpent."

"What?" Reggie asked before snapping and kicking over a bench in the changing room. "I knew it! I knew it the second they set foot in our school! First Midge and now Lexy!"

"Moose, why didn't you say anything to us? Or my dad?" Kevin asked.

"We should talk to the new sheriff-" Archie started.

"Screw that! Some Serpent scumbag was doing Midge. We just gotta figure out which one." Reggie interrupted.

Archie shook his head, not wanting a brawl between the Bulldogs and the Serpents, especially now that his sister was part of the gang.


"Our old adversaries the Ghoulies have been released. Word on the street is that they want Serpent blood. They're gunning for a rematch. They want war." Jughead said gravely in the Serpent meeting.

All of the teenage Serpents looked at one another. Usually the Ghoulies didn't pose much of a threat to the Serpents, but now that they were out for revenge, they had a reason to be worried. Just then, the Bulldogs burst into the classroom, Reggie being the ringleader.

"Which one of you reptiles was screwing Midge Klump?" He asked, or more demanded.

"What the hell is going on? This is a private meeting." Jughead said.

Reggie ignored him.

"I'm guessing it was you, Sweetpea. What, one Northside girl isn't enough?"

Lexy gave Reggie a death glare from the table she was standing on but he was too busy shooting daggers at Sweetpea to notice.

"Reggie, that's enough." Archie defended his sister's boyfriend.

"You ass. I get you're jealous that you can't have Lexy anymore but I didn't even know Midge. But yeah, I get why she wouldn't want flees from you manegy Bulldogs." Sweetpea said stepping up to him.

"That's it!" Reggie launched himself at Sweetpea which as usual, resulted in a huge fight between both parties involved.

Lexy jumped in between the two after they had been separated by Archie and Jughead. They both held up their hands innocently and Lexy rolled her eyes, storming out of the room.


Lexy came home to find a note from the Black Hood pinned to her front door. 'You're next Sinner' it said. Once she showed it to her dad he called the Lodges over to discuss what to do about the mayoral debate which was scheduled to happen at the town hall the next day.

"It's clear what has to be done. We cancel the debate. Prank or not it's not a risk we can take." Hiram Lodge said.

"I agree. Until the Black Hood is caught we have to be careful." Archie added.

Usually, Lexy would roll her eyes at Archie agreeing with Hiram Lodge, as it was usually just his way of sucking up to him. But now he was only agreeing with him because he wanted to protect their dad. And Lexy could appreciate that.

"Can you beef up security at the town hall?" Feed asked Sheriff Minetta who was standing beside Fred in the kitchen.

"Dad, you can't be serious!" Archie rebelled.

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