The Blackboard Jungle

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"Students of Riverdale High, this is your principal speaking. Emails have been sent to your parents but effective immediately, Southside High School is shut down. Their students, will transfer to other schools in the district including this one." Principal Weatherbee announced over the intercom.

Everyone in the student lounge erupted in chaos. Some people were shocked, others were angry, most were confused. Lexy did her best to suppress her smile.

Since Christmas Day, her and Sweetpea hadn't gotten a chance to talk much like they said they would. If he ends up transferring to Riverdale High, that might change. But Lexy wouldn't get her hopes up... yet.

"Wait, what does that mean?" Archie asked.

"It means Jughead's coming back." Betty answered.

"Betty are you ready for that?" Kevin questioned.

"Of course. We're fine."

Nobody believed Betty for a second. Lexy stood up and left the lounge, making her way to her locker. Kevin jumped up and followed her.

"What was that?" He asked.

"What was what, Kev?" She answered with a question.

"That smile you tried to hide but failed when you heard about Southside High closing down. Why so happy, Ms. Andrews?"

"Nothing, Kev. It'll just be cool having Jughead around again." Lexy lied.

After Jughead forced her to cut up Penny Peabody, she stopped talking to him, but she had to say something to get Kevin off her back.

"Oh my God! You're in love with a Southsider!" Kevin yelled.

Lexy hushed him and dragged him to the side of the hallway.

"God, Kevin! Announce it to the world why don't you? The kids here will skin me alive if they find out!" She whisper-yelled.

"Sorry! But I am right, right? Oh my God I'm so happy for you! Who is he? How'd you meet him? Is he a Serpent?"

"No, Kevin."

"No he's not a Serpent?"

"No I'm not telling you anything. You run the gossip column of the Blue and Gold, Kev. You're not getting any material from me." She grinned, turning on her heels and leaving Kevin with many questions.


Lexy walked down the hallway to see the new Southside students standing at a registration desk set up by Veronica. She was welcoming them to their new school when all of a sudden Cheryl's voice boomed from the top of the stairs.

"Stand down, Eva Paróne!" She said.

Cheryl, Reggie and several Bulldogs and River Vixens walked down the stairs confidently. But not confident enough to scare off the new students who stood there with confused looks on their faces.

Lexy immediately noticed Sweetpea standing near the front of the group. He seemed a little too distracted to notice her however.

"Cheryl, no one invited fascist Barbie to the party." Veronica shot.

"Wrong, no one invited Southside scum to our school."

Insults were traded between the two groups which eventually led to Reggie and Sweetpea almost getting into a brawl in the middle of the hallway. Everyone dispersed in different directions however when Principal Weatherbee put the argument to a stop.

Sweetpea noticed Lexy from the corner of his eye when he had stepped forward to fight Reggie so he made it a point to walk in her direction after Principal Weatherbee banished then all from the hallway. He sent her a sneaky smirk and Lexy casually played with the necklace around her neck as a response. The necklace Sweetpea had given to her for Christmas.

Lexy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now