House Of The Devil

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Lexy had always loved a good party. Especially one that wasn't on the Northside, although she had never actually been to one of those. And as soon as Betty mentioned the idea of having a retirement party for Fp, she was completely on board.

Because the retirement was from the serpents, Lexy thought it was only fit for it to be held in the Whyte Wyrm, the bar where the serpents hung out. Betty was in charge of organizing the party but she wasn't comfortable going to the bar alone so Lexy agreed to escort her.

"You have a stage, would you be open to me bringing in a karaoke machine?" Betty asked Toni, like she was sealing a business deal.

"For Fp's retirement? Sure, why not?" Toni replied.

It wasn't as awkward anymore, Betty and Toni talking. Ever since Betty and Jughead got back together and Toni admitted she was bisexual, there was a lot less tension.

The girls continued to talk and Betty eventually admitted that she wanted to be more apart of Jughead's life to keep him safe while he was part of the Serpents. Lexy and Toni exchanged an amused look.

"So what? You wanna be a Serpent?" Toni laughed.

Betty scrunched her nose. "Let's say Serpent adjacent. But yeah. Part of his world."

"Betty, I mean this in the nicest way possible... black leather and snake tattoos don't suit you." Lexy shrugged.

Just then the three girls heard a rather drunk laugh coming from one of the tables in the bar. Toni rolled her eyes. Her being a bartender at the Wyrm, she was probably used to the drunks.

"Shut it, Birdie!" She yelled.

"Sorry Sweet Valley High. You wanna join the club? You gotta do the dance. The serpent dance." The mature woman said.

"Excuse me? Serpent dance?" Betty asked curiously.

"It's this outdated, sexist Serpent tradition. I tried to get it outlawed but misogyny dies hard. You don't wanna know." Toni said.

"Yeah I do. I wanna know everything." Betty said, staring at the girl who was currently doing the serpent dance.

Lexy sighed and walked away from the two girls, not interested in the details of performing a strip tease. She had hung out at the Wyrm a few times since Toni and her became friends. It was usually the same few people hanging out here so most people didn't bat an eye at the Northsider anymore. She felt someone tap her shoulder and turned around to see Fangs.

"Hey Lexy." He said with a friendly smile. "What are you doing here?"

"Planning Fp's retirement party."

"Party? Finally! It's been awhile since the last party here. In fact, I think it was before Fp went to jail. Sad that he's not gonna be serpent King anymore. So why's a Northsider like you planning the party?" He asked jokingly.

"Ok 1. I've known Fp as long as I've been alive and 2. When are you gonna stop referring to me as 'the Northsider'? I think I've proven by now that I don't deserve that title."

"Tell you what, if this party turns out good, you can be a Southsider, if not, you're stuck being a Northside princess forever."

"I was never a Northside princess!" She defended herself.

"Did you grow up in a house?"


"Then yeah you are."

Lexy laughed and gave Fangs a playful shove. The past couple of weeks the two had become acquaintances but she could definitely see them becoming good friends in the future.

Lexy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now