Silent Night, Deadly Night

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Archie and Fred hauled a large Christmas tree into Pop's Choc-Litte Shop. In order to pay off  Fred's medical bills, the family had to start selling Christmas trees. Not the most glamorous job in the world but at least it was festive.

"God, don't work yourself too hard Lex, you might break a bone!" Archie said sarcastically, glancing back at Lexy who was strolling happily behind them.

"I'm supervising! Someone's gotta make sure neither of you slip on ice." Lexy replied.

Archie and Fred set the Christmas tree down beside the front counter.

"What do you say Pop, is it okay?" Archie asked the owner.

"The best tree yet! Thanks Archie, thanks Fred." Pop beamed at the green bristles.

"What about me?" Lexy asked.

"I thought you were just supervising." Pop said innocently.

Archie laughed and nudged Lexy playfully as she rolled her eyes.


"Okay Veronica, your turn!" Kevin chirped, handing Veronica her secret Santa present.

You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. Lexy did her best to lighten the mood but between all of the couples being broken up and Reggie's constant inappropriate jokes, nothing was really working. Veronica opened her present to reveal a gift certificate for a couples massage.

"You can go with Betty! Or your mom." Josie suggested awkwardly. She had obviously bought it before Archie and Veronica broke up.

"Or I can go with your Mom." Reggie implied.

Veronica rolled her eyes.

Lexy, who was squeezing into an arm chair with him, placed a hand on his shoulder "Reggie, I mean this in the nicest way possible... nobody enjoys your humor."

"Betty you're next and mercifully last." Kevin said.

"Well I think I know who picked my name based on wrapping skills." Betty laughed, unwrapping her present. She pulled out an old read along record her and Archie used to listen to as kids.

As Betty and Archie reminisced about the old days, Lexy saw Jughead and Veronica trying, and failing, to suppress their jealous looks.

"Hey! Merry Christmas everyone."

Everyone turned their heads to see Moose and Midge entering the student lounge together, for the first time in weeks considering Moose has been in recovery. Reggie and Lexy immediately jumped out of the arm chair they were sharing and ran to embrace Moose in a hug. His timing had never been better.


"Penny Peabody has got my Dad dealing drugs." Jughead said to Lexy and the Serpents who were gathered around an outdoor fire. "I know this because she had me doing it before him. Now, she's roped in Tallboy and Sweetpea."

"Man, if you're pissed because your old man tapped me instead of you-" Sweetpea started.

"No, Sweetpea, I'm pissed because I don't want the Serpents to end up like the Ghoulies. And I doubt that any of you became Serpents just to be at the beckoned call of a drug queen. I know where this ends. Death. Jail. Which is why, in the interest of self preservation, we have to take out Penny."

"Snake charmer's helped some of us." Sweetpea argued.

"Oh yeah? And what has she asked for in return, Sweetpea? How many favors?" Sweetpea shifted uneasily knowing Jughead was right. "If we don't stop Penny tonight, she is going to get every single one of us in on this, I promise you Sweetpea. What I'm asking is are you willing to risk your necks to save my dad's life?"

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