The Wrestler

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"I don't understand why you're suddenly licking Hiram's ass. He doesn't even like you!" Lexy complained to Archie as the two watched old movies in their sitting room.

"That's why I'm licking his ass- I mean, that's why I'm trying to gain his respect, Lex. He's my girlfriend's father."

"He's a crook!"

"No he's not."

"I'm sorry, you mean when Veronica only had a mom last year it wasn't because he was in jail?"

Archie rolled his eyes. "Fine. You're right. But that doesn't change anything. I want him to like me. And to do that, I'm joining the wrestling team."

Lexy tried to hold in her laugh but failed.

"What?" Archie asked offended.

"Nothing, it's just... you're more football and fist fights not... wrestling."

"You've never had any respect for wrestling have you?"

"Not since I found out that pretty much every wrestling show out there is staged."

"Well Hiram used to be on the Riverdale High wrestling team."

"Oh well now I definitely don't have any respect for wrestling." Lexy smirked.

Archie looked at her with his infamous puppy dog eyes. "So that means your not gonna come watch me at my first match tomorrow? You've always been my good luck charm." He sighed.

Lexy rolled her eyes and spread herself out on the couch, sticking her feet in Archie's face as she did so.

"Of course I'm coming to support you. You haven't lost your good luck charm... yet."


The Picken's day fair had been going smoothly so far. Children, teenagers and adults alike had gathered to together to celebrate General Augustus Pickens, same as they did every year. Lexy, however, had a new opinion about the annual celebration.

After hearing about what General Pickens did to the Uktana tribe, a.k.a the original Serpents, a.k.a Toni's grandfather, Lexy was outraged that the town was not only still celebrating this man, but also using it as a commercial for the 'New Southside' the Lodges were planning on building.

Fred Andrews was one of the main sponsors for the New Southside, although Lexy had a feeling the Lodges were keeping him at arms length and hiding information from him. She tried to pull him out of it, but it was no use.

"Earth to airhead." Archie nudged Lexy out of her daze.

"Sorry. Just so hard to enjoy or even pretend to enjoy this day now that the real truth is out." Lexy rolled her eyes.

"Lex, you don't know if it's the real truth."

"Just because it's not pretty, Archie, doesn't mean we should just ignore it."

"On a lighter note, Lexy, how proud were you after seeing your brother take down Chuck Clayton at the wrestling meet?" Kevin chirped.

"I admit, you did good, Arch. I just wish you were doing this for yourself and not that scum Hiram Lodge."

"Yes, yes Lexy, I've heard this all before."

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