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"I can't believe you sided with the Lodges over our dad!" Lexy said to Archie as they walked to school together.

"Lexy, I know you don't like them, but Mr. Lodge has thought this through. If you give him a chance, you'll see that this really is what's best for Riverdale." Archie tried to persuade her.

"Believe or not, Arch, I don't think a mobster of all people really knows what's best for this town."

"This prison will bring in profit and employment, which is something this town really needs."

"Yeah, because everyone wants to live in a town where the best opportunity they have is to work in a freaking prison built on the bones of a high school!"

"It's really not that bad, Lex." Archie said as they walked up the front steps of Riverdale High.

"With Hiram Lodge, it's always that bad." She said before turning on her heels and heading to Toni's locker.


Lexy stood in the hallway talking with Kevin and Josie about the milkshake in the face Veronica had just received in the cafeteria. Lexy couldn't help but think that she deserved it.

"Speak of the devil..." Josie rolled her eyes as Veronica came strolling down the hallway, traces of milkshake still in her hair.

"Veronica! I heard you got a face full of dairy and I've got some nuts to top off that shake if you want." Reggie teased Veronica.

"You do not want to push me right now, Reggie." Veronica responded.

"One question I gotta ask the future student body president is what are the odds your dad is the first inmate in that prison he's building?"

Reggie continued to insult Veronica's parents until Veronica stepped forward and threw a hard punch to his jaw, causing Reggie to fall to the ground.

"What the hell, you psycho!?" Lexy yelled, shouldering through Veronica and crouching down next to Reggie and taking his face in her hands to check the spot where she punched him.


"Mom!" Lexy yelled as she rushed down the stairs and into her mom's arms.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Archie laughed as their mom made her way into the kitchen.

"All this contract stuff with the Lodges, time to call in the big guns." Fred said as he entered the house.

"I like the big guns! Bring the big guns in more often!" Lexy followed her mom into the kitchen.


"Well, well, well. Cavalry's finally here. Guess that means we got Hiram's attention." Jughead said standing at the front of the group.

Jughead came up with the idea of the Serpents chaining themselves to Southside High in protest. When Sheriff Keller saw them, he couldn't stop them from peacefully protesting, so he called Hiram Lodge to tell them what was going on. After Hiram found out, he called Archie to deal with it.

"Are you nuts? Chaining yourselves to this place? They're gonna tear it down in two days, dude." Archie said.

"Not unless Hiram wants the blood of eight young Serpents on his hands. We're not going anywhere. Go and tell your boss we said that."

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