thirty-one•°. *࿐dinner and teasing

671 24 101

Jin's POV

The sunsets look like her. All of them do.

The light from the kitchen window sends a natural glow to cascade down her hair, making the ends of her brown hair look slightly red. I'm enthralled, I realize. Too enthralled to notice the broth boiling over until she lowers the heat. 

She peeks over at me with a small smile. "What are you thinking about?"

"You," I tell her simply.


"You look pretty."

Her smile grows. "You look handsome."

I stir the broth, hiding the smile that's fighting to be known. "Thank you."

She nods good-naturedly. "Did I do a good job cutting the carrots?"

"You did. You want to pour them in with the broth and noodles?"

She chirps out an agreement, her hair swishing around her as she turns and grabs the cutting board full of carrots. After she lowers them into the pot, she steals a kiss and skips over to the sink.

As she washes the cutting board, I can hear her humming to herself.

She's happy, and I feel a sense of comfort at the sight. Even if happiness comes slightly harder for me, seeing hers makes mine feel safe to emerge.

A few minutes pass of the serene environment, the sound of her humming and the boiling stew the only sound when she wonders, "Do you like soup a lot, or just a little?"

I glance at her. "I enjoy it."

"A lot?"

"You could say."

"Enough to have a designated bowl for it?"

I smile a bit. "Do you have a designated bowl for soup?"

"No," she muses, "but someone I know does. She painted a bowl with pink flowers and only uses it for soup."

"She must really like soup."

"She does." Her eyes light up. "If we have leftovers, can I take some to her? She works at my building."

"Tell Taehyung you want there to be leftovers." After second thought, I add, "We'll put a container aside for her."

"Can we put a sticky note with my name on it?"

"We can."

She beams. "I've always wanted to have a sticky note for my leftovers."

My smile grows. "Yeah?"

"Yup! You all do it all the time, but I don't usually have leftovers." She squeals, surprising me with a hug. "I'm so glad tonight is soup night!"

I pat her lower back fondly. "Me too."

"Hey," Yoongi announces himself. 

She turns to look at Yoongi, and I can hear the smile in her voice. "Hi! I chopped up carrots for the stew."

"That's great." His tone mirrors hers. "You like cooking now?"

"I'm not really good at it," she provides sheepishly. "But Jin is a good teacher." She peeks up at me. "Right?"

Yoongi chuckles. "Yeah, he's taught me how to make a few things."

"Really? When?"

He shuffles forward, folding his arms across his chest. "A few years back."

"You don't cook together anymore?" 

It's an innocent question, I know she doesn't understand or realize when I stopped being as involved in the friendship with him and the others, but it stings just the same.

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