twelve*•.¸♡setting the dynamic

861 21 45

Authors Note: To diminish confusion, the chapters will be set in the present time unless otherwise stated. Enjoy!

Li's POV

The break consists of another cup of coffee and alone time on the porch. I sit on the steps leading to the door, staring up at the cloudless sky as I think of Jin's cloud. Looming, dark, and dangerous. I wonder if it will ever leave.

I wonder if he'll ever want me like I want him.

The front door opens, and I turn to see Jimin.

He smiles slightly. "Hey." 

I breathe deeply, watching as he takes a seat beside me. "Hey."

"How are you doing?"

I hold my mug tighter. "Was Jin always like this?"

He exhales softly. "No."

"Someone hurt him?"


"I wouldn't hurt him."

"I know."

I watch a bird land a few feet from us. 

"I remember when he was different," I murmur. "He let me eat his leftovers. He smiled at me." The bird flutters its wings. "Jimin, why doesn't he smile anymore?"

"He does, Li. Just not often." I can feel his eyes on the side of my face. "Not around you."

I try not to let it sting as much as it does. "Oh."

"Try not to take it to heart."

"I'm trying."

"I know. Hey, I know."

"I'm really...I'm really happy about the others." My eyes well. "I wish I could be happier."

"I know, sweetheart." He wraps his arm around me, pulling me closer. "We understand. That's why we took a break." In a lower tone, he adds, "I'm proud of you for speaking your mind to him. I know that must've been a bit nerve-wracking."

"It was," I admit, "but I wanted him to know."

"He needed to hear it. He's been a ghost for a while." He passes his hand through my hair. "He needs to come out of hiding. With us, with you. With the world."

I take a shuddering breath. "I like him a lot."

"I can tell."

I glance at him. When I keep looking at him, he lifts a brow. 

I hesitate. "Jimin, can I ask you something?"


"Is this...weird for you? Like...hearing me or, I mean, seeing me with your friends?" I wince. "It sounds really bad out loud."

He chuckles, nudging my cheek with his knuckles. "Good thing it doesn't look or sound bad when you're with them."

"'s not weird for you?"

"Do you think I would be conducting the conversation in the kitchen if it was?" He shakes his head. "It does something for you, doesn't it? Having all of us want you?"

"Well, it...I mean—" I clear my throat. "Yeah."

"Like it does something for you, it does something for me. It does something for all of us, otherwise we wouldn't want it. I've told you that, baby. You know that."

"That's...yeah. I know. I just want to make sure." I clasp my hands together. "Thank you."

"For what?"

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