twenty-four˚୭ ˚○◦ chocolate is sweet, but this isn't

715 24 72

Li's POV

I wake up the next morning without Jin. 

I'm confused at first, slightly tremulous, but the note on my bedside table—a blue post-it—reads: I didn't go anywhere. I'm downstairs making breakfast. Come down when you're ready. If not, I'll be back up soon.

I re-read the note a few times, taking the time to slowly reign my air back in, and fall back onto the sheets.

The remembrance of last night hurts to recall. It was as if anger and fear overtook me and burst me open to spill chaos into every kitchen corner.

I turn, planting my face into Jin's pillow. It smells like him, and I try to focus on that, letting it relax me the best it can. It does a decent job, and after a few minutes, I decide I'm brave enough to find Jin.

Once I'm standing, I feel awkward. Empty. When Jin held me last night, I was able to hide and hold onto something; to hold onto him. But when it's just me, I feel painfully on display.

I don't want to be on display, especially after last night.

With flaming cheeks, I twist to return to the bed, thinking I'm not as brave as I thought, but I catch sight of Jin's sweatshirt. 

He must have been feeling cold during the night, and I think that's good. That means his fever broke.

I look at it for a moment longer, considering. The moment passes, and I make a grab for his sweatshirt, pulling it over my head and onto my body. 

It's big, it's warm, it's comfy, and it smells like Jin.

I take a deep breath.


I wrap my arms around my waist and hold on tight, shuffling across the floor to Jin's door. I open it, peeking in both directions of the hallway before stepping out.

My foot still hurts a bit, so I try to take it slow, wobbling through the hallway and down the stairs. 

I hear chatter in the kitchen before I reach it, and my stomach twists.

I don't want them to look at me differently. I just want them to see me, even if I begged for them to see how unlovable I was last night.

I gnaw on the inside of my cheek, shaking my head lightly and continuing my walk, albeit slower than before. 

I stall near the frame of the kitchen, almost there but not quite, and I tilt forward to see who's inside.

Jin's back is to me, his attention on the stovetop. Whatever he's making smells good, and I inch forward.

Jimin's next to the fridge putting the coffee creamer back, and Jungkook's leaning against the countertop as he talks to Jin. It's a pleasant environment, and I think it would be nice if I stepped closer, so I do. Just a bit.

Jungkook catches the movement, and he glances over only to look away, but he does a double take. 

He pushes himself up slightly, his features softening at the sight of me. "Hey."

"Hey what?" Jimin asks, closing the fridge. He turns to look at Jungkook, following his gaze until he sees me. His expression soon matches Jungkook's. "Hey."

Jin lowers the heat on the stove, turning slightly to see who they're greeting. 

I hug myself tighter, finding it difficult to make eye contact with any of them.

I hear Jin set down the chopsticks he was using. 

Before we can enter an awkward silence, I blurt, "Found you." 

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