eleven˚。⋆❆⋆。eternal winter

693 16 52

Two Years Ago

Jin's POV

I watch her from bed. 

I watch as her hair falls across her shoulders as she applies lip gloss; I watch as she decides what shirt to wear.

I tell her to wear one of mine, but she laughs. She tells me my shirts are too big. I tell her anything would look good on her. She says she knows.

I think I love her. I don't tell her. I think she knows.

"Gyeo," I murmur.

She hums a song in response, her eyes finding mine through the mirror. It's a song I know all too well. It's our song.

I feel my smile melting onto my features. I never want it to leave.

I repeat her name, and she sings louder.

The silk sheets cover my lower half, still naked from minutes before, and it reminds me of how soft her body felt against mine.

Still bare herself, she turns to face me. I let out a low groan, holding out my hand to her.

"Come back," I rasp. "Five more minutes." I barely give her time to respond before changing my mind. "Twenty more minutes."

She shows that smile of hers—the one where she tells me she can't, but she wants to. She would if she could.

"I'll see you tonight for dinner," she says sweetly. "At our place."

I wiggle my fingers, beckoning her to me. "That's a long while away."

Her laughter floods the air, and my smile grows.

"It's nine hours, give or take," she teases. "I promise you can handle it."

"You're wrong." I shake my head. "I'm weak."

"For me?"

"Only for you."

I see her that night for dinner at our favorite restaurant—the one with the jukebox that plays our song. The one she sang this morning; the one that's been on my mind every moment of today.

She's sitting at our table, the one she loves so much. It has a red table cloth and the view of the street, showcasing the park we visit after we romance over dinner and too many glasses of wine.

She looks beautiful. Stunning. Her black hair, straight and pinned back, frames her face perfectly. She looks confident sitting there, perched straight in the booth with her wine glass lifted to her lips.

Dinner is perfect. It always is with her. 

I tell her everything about my day. My troubles, my joys—whatever comes to mind. I share it all.

I'm hers. I tell her that. She knows.

I think she's the one. I'm not sure if she knows.

I see the girl Jimin's been hanging around when I get home. She's stumbling around the kitchen clumsily, her hair strewn around and an awkward smile on her face when she sees me.

"Sorry," she quickly provides, "I wanted to get Jimin water. I'm—" She holds out her hand. "I'm Li."

I smile. "Hey, Li. I'm Jin." I nod toward the top cabinet. "The glasses are in there."

"Oh!" Her awkward smile brightens as she lowers her hand back to her side. "Thanks! This is my first time here, I wasn't—I mean, I'm not really sure where anything is."

"It's all good. You can ask someone. They'll help you out." I place the leftovers from dinner onto the kitchen table. When I catch her looking at them, my lips tug upwards. "You hungry?"

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