268 | School Secret

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"YES! JANUS FUCKING Sinclaire! The president of the brotherhood association, that Janus! He's literally here, and he's talking to Max as we speak," Perseus says in a panic while he tightly holds onto the telephone he borrowed at the front desk.

     "What are you so worried about?" Justice asks from the other line. "We're talking about Max here. Do you think he's the type to cry about his worries to his uncle? And besides, even if Max did start telling him, then maybe it's about time President Janus finds out about the truth."

     "Are you crazy?! What will the Ministry do if they find out that we let something like this happen? We're fucked! I don't want to go back to the rectory!"

     "Calm down! Jesus," Justice answers back. "There's nothing much we can do. The best course of action is staying put. Just see how things will go. If anything serious happens, call me. Just make sure you all come back in one piece. Max will be in a lot of trouble too if he doesn't come back soon."

     "But—" Before Perseus can even finish his sentence, Justice ends the line, making Perseus curse while slamming the phone down in irritation.

     "Am I the only one worried about this?" Perseus asks, practically biting his nails in anxiety. When he realized that the nurses were looking at him weirdly, he cleared his throat and headed toward the room where Max was.

     Perseus tries to stay calm as he stands right in front of the door. When he finally composed himself, he grabbed the doorknob and turned it. But as he did so, he was surprised to discover that the door was locked. "It's locked?" he asks confusingly. He was about to knock on the door, but then it opened, revealing Janus Sinclaire himself, looking down at him with his expression serious.

     Perseus flinches at the overwhelming presence, but he immediately moves aside, his head low to show the president his respect.

     "My nephew will be discharged soon. You can take him back to St. George. I'll handle the necessary paperwork downstairs," Janus says as he starts walking away from him.

     "Understood, President Janus," Perseus answers, his head still low.

     "And one more thing, Saints' Secretary, Perseus Odair," Janus then adds, making Perseus widen his eyes in shock because he didn't expect him to know his full name at all.

     "I don't usually have favorites, but if anything happens to my nephew..." Janus pauses, and then he looks over his shoulder so he can catch a glimpse of the terrified Saint. "Well, let's just say I won't be as forgiving as the idols you all follow. Do you understand what I mean, Mr. Odair?"

     "Y-Yes...yes of course."

     "Yes of course what?"

     "I...I m-mean...I understand, President Janus. We'll make sure nothing bad happens to Sinclaire."

     "Good," Janus finishes before finally walking away, making Perseus swallow the lump in his throat.

     "Are you sure you're okay? You know you can always stay for a few more hours until you feel better," Keigo asks as he and Max finally step out of the room. "Oh, Perseus, you're here. Shall we head back? Max said he's ready," Keigo then adds when he spots the secretary waiting outside, his face almost pale.

     "You look like you've seen a ghost," Max manages to joke.

     Perseus gulps again and turns to look at the two serfs. "You can head downstairs. I'll get the van."

     Before Max and Keigo can even say anything, Perseus immediately turns around and leaves, making the two look at each other confusingly.

     "What the hell happened to him?"

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