241 | Dangerous Man

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"PARADOX...WHAT DID THEY do to Kim Hee-joon?" Max asks, and the question comes as a surprise because out of all the possible questions, Vesper thought Max would ask, this was the last one he predicted.

     "Kim Hee-joon? Now that's a man who I believe is very dangerous," Vesper says. "Joon is not a kind man and is actually quite selfish. I don't know much about him, but I do know something ."

     "And what could that be?"

     "The only reason why Joon became a prince—" Vesper pauses, and then he suddenly reaches out to touch the brooches on Max's collar before continuing, "Was because he wanted to serve Viktor. Nothing more, and nothing less."

     "Viktor Stepanov?"

     "Joon isn't noble or honorable. He didn't want to rank up because he wanted to change J.S High. No, that's not the reason at all. He has this obsession over your king. I don't know why, and I really don't care to know. But that's probably the reason why Grey always said that he was never fit to be the prince," Vesper then adds, making Max's eyes widen in shock this time.

     So Grey didn't want Joon to be the prince?

     Is Vesper telling the truth?

     "So if I were you, you better rethink if you want to help him return to J.S High. You are here to help him, correct?" Vesper then asks, but Max decides to ignore it.

     "I understand what you're trying to say, but you didn't answer my initial question. What did Paradox do to Kim Hee-Joon? Does it involve his ability to use the Prince's Law?" Max asks again, and Vesper sighs and finally lets go of the young heir.

     "I don't think I'm the right person to tell you that story, kid. Even I have a brotherhood code," Vesper answered, making Max furrow his brows in frustration. He expected such a response from someone like Vesper, but he still assumed he'd learn something from him. I guess Max asked the wrong question.

     "Based on your answer, it means they really did something to him," Max guessed. "I can see it in his eyes when I spoke to him once. It was burning with rage, which was the opposite of his cold facade. Something happened to him during the time Paradox were still kings. But what was it?"

     "If you're really curious, I'm not the white uniform you should be talking to. You should go ask Levi. He knows Joon like a mirror. He's the person you should talk to," Vesper then says when he notices the puzzled expression on Max's face.

     Levi was actually a person that Max had already planned to talk to. Other than the fact that Leviathan Dubois was the first person to ever receive an invitation to PHD's banquet, Levi was also J.S High's previous Elites' vice president, so it only means that he was close with Max's childhood friend, Grey. Like Vesper, Max hopes to learn a lot from Levi's knowledge about the past.

     "Vice President Levi? Were they close?"

      "Close is an understatement. They were like brothers. Well, from what I heard. If you find out Joon and Levi's connection with Paradox, I think you'll understand what I mean by all this. But beware of Uchdryd Rease. That asshole is protective of that saint. It's actually annoying," Vesper says, but Max didn't say anything about that particular information. He's not really here to talk about someone's love life.

     "Is there anything else you want to know? I'm free, and I actually like you. I saw that video of you getting your hands beat by that creepy nun. I like guys who bite more than they bark," Vesper then says, reaching out to touch Max again, but Max immediately pushes his hand away this time.

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