16. Go on a date with me.

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When Hongjoong opened his eyes, the first thing that hit him was his lack of mobility. He was crushed under Seonghwa, with the older keeping him so close, he had troubles with breathing. Fortunately for him, this time he managed to wriggle himself out of his arms without waking the latter up, and he immediately went to the bathroom to wash his face, feeling absolutely terrible.

He splashed some cold water on his face and looked at himself in the mirror, grimacing at the sight of dark circles under his eyes, and incredibly messed up hair. He was wearing a huge dark green shirt, he didn't remember putting on, and apart from that he was only in his boxers. Hongjoong felt this unpleasant taste in his mouth from the alcohol he had consumed the previous night. He managed to brush his teeth with his finger and Seonghwa's toothpaste.

He felt like crap.

When he returned to the bedroom, Seonghwa was already awake, doing something on his phone.

"Morning." The older greeted him, not looking up from the device.

"Hi." Hongjoong mumbled, throwing himself back onto the bed and hiding his head under the covers.


"Did I really drink that much?" Hongjoong frowned, his words muffled from under the sheets.

"You're a lightweight apparently. But I'm not gonna complain about that." Seonghwa grinned putting his phone away, and pulling the bed covers off of Hongjoong, dragging him back into a hug.

"Did I do something weird?" The younger widened his eyes and looked at Seonghwa cringing.

"Weird?" Seonghwa playfully looked up at the ceiling, pretending to think hard. "How do you define weird?"

"Seonghwa, seriously!" He hit his chest, desperately trying to find out whether he should dig his own grave already, or if he could survive the embarrassment.

"You didn't." Seonghwa laughed wholeheartedly, wrapping his hands on the small of Hongjoong's back. "You were literally the cutest. You seemed to love skinship once you downed a few shots." He winked at the younger and his face heated up.

"Boys, I made breakfast." Seonghwa's mum knocked on the doors and Hongjoong jumped, completely forgetting that it was Tuesday again, therefore the woman was home the whole night.

"We'll be right there!" Seonghwa shouted back, stretching and standing up to dress up. Hongjoong also pulled a pair of the older's sweatpants onto his legs, before they walked downstairs. They saw the woman rushing around the kitchen, making some eggs, bacon and also waffles.

"Good morning." Hongjoong waved at the woman awkwardly and she spun around, sending him a bright smile.

"Hi, sweetie." She replied and he sat down next to Seonghwa and sipped on the already poured orange juice in his glass.

"I'm sorry, but how did you know I was here?" He asked the woman as she placed a lot of food on the table and also took a sit in front of the teenagers.

"I saw the two of you in front of the house through the window when you got back. Don't worry about it, Hongjoongie, you weren't disturbing in the least." She giggled and grabbed a waffle. Hongjoong didn't realise when, but Seonghwa had plated the food for him as well, because when he looked down his empty plate was now occupied by 2 fried eggs, some bacon strips and a waffle. He frowned and looked at the boy beside him, who was peacefully chewing on his own breakfast.

"Did you sleep well?" Seonghwa asked his mum, instantly gaining the woman's attention.

"Yes, honey. Did you?" She smiled at the teenagers.

Teenage Dirtbag (My cruel summer) | SeongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now