17. You're amazing.

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The two joined the rest of the group soon after, and Hongjoong didn't miss the way Yunho glanced back at them and somehow non-verbally managed to communicate with Seonghwa. The older mouthed something and the latter smiled, showing him thumbs up.

"What's that about?" Hongjoong titled his head.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The taller looked away and before he could question him more, Wooyoung's loud laughter gained their attention.

"Let's get on that!" His cousin pointed to a rollercoaster and Hongjoong nodded excited.

"It's been so long since I was on a ride." Hongjoong admitted and run up to Wooyoung, who smiled at him.

The group started off with the not so fast and dangerous looking rollercoaster, that actually wasn't even that big, but Mingi demanded not to throw him into the deep waters immediately. Apparently the boy was scared of the 'more demanding emotionally' machines, as he had called them. They went on a few more rides, before they decided to take a break from the adrenaline rising entertainment, and switched to walk around the booths.

"I want to play those games where you can win plushies." San pointed at one of the stalls and Wooyoung eagerly agreed.

"Do you want one as well?" Jongho asked Yeosang who kept on looking at some funny looking plushie of a character with a flower on its head. The older nodded and the group decided to split, the four of them walking up to the booth, leaving Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Mingi and Yunho behind.

"Hongjoongie, the karaoke booth!" Mingi grabbed his hand and pulled him, causing the older to laugh. He noticed in the corner of his eye how Seonghwa and Yunho followed them, both having small smiles plastered on their faces.

Soon Ming dragged Hongjoong into one of the booths and wanted to close the door behind them, but Yunho and Seonghwa managed to get inside as well, causing the red haired boy to roll his eyes.

It was quite big, resembling a small room with a couch behind the big screen and some space between them. There were also some microphones on the little coffee table in front of the couch, and Hongjoong thought that if they tried, the karaoke booth could fit like 5 people easily.

Seonghwa and Yunho took seats at the couch and Mingi grabbed the remote, typing in some song's name.

"Are you gonna just sit there or are you gonna join?" Hongjoong asked grabbing one of the mics. Yunho grinned and quickly stood up, joining them in front of the screen. Seonghwa remained seated, small smile still on his lips as he shook his head.

They went through a few songs, and soon Hongjoong plopped down on the couch beside Seonghwa, huffing tiredly. The air in the small room quickly got stuffy and it was hot, caused by the lack of windows and only some poorly installed AC.

"Break?" The older giggled, his arm immediately resting on Hongjoong's shoulders and pulling him closer. The younger grimaced, knowing that because of the heat some droplets of sweat could be noticeable on his forehead.

"It's hot."

"Take off your jacket." He did, beating himself up in his mind for not doing so before. He glanced back up at Mingi and Yunho who were singing another song, the red haired boy missing some high notes, causing the taller to laugh mid chorus.

"Why aren't you singing?"

"I can't sing." Seonghwa scrunched his nose and forced the younger to rest his head on his shoulder by pushing it gently.

"I'm sure you can." Hongjoong rolled his eyes and sighed, enjoying the fact that he could finally afford a moment of rest, with Mingi occupied by Yunho. "Are they okay now?" He murmured motioning to the teenagers in front of them.

Teenage Dirtbag (My cruel summer) | SeongjoongМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя