🌼EIGHT ▫️▫️

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Elliott groaned, massaging his temples as he sat up on the bed. His eyes were still half-closed as he looked around, recognizing his own room. "Oh, you're awake," his uncle entered the room with a tray of food, placing it on the nightstand along with some medicine and a glass of water.

"H-how did I get home?" Elliott asked hoarsely.

"Well, your knight in shining armor saved your night and got you home safely-"

"I feel like throwing up-" Elliott struggled to get off the comforter and stumbled towards the bathroom, opening the lid of the toilet bowl and vomiting. Rhys followed behind, softly rubbing his back. "I'll never. Ever. Ever gonna drink again," Elliott said weakly.

"What a way to start a Sunday morning," Elliott thought to himself as he finally took a warm shower and ate his uncle's homemade porridge before heading straight to bed. He felt terrible, obviously.

Then, he saw his uncle peek inside his room and knock softly before entering. "Hey...you okay now?" Rhys began softly as he walked towards the bed and sat down on the edge. Elliott shifted in his comforter, turning to face him. He noticed Rhys was looking at him with concern, which made him wonder, 'is something wrong again?'.

"The bandage around your wrist..." Rhys started, causing Elliott to stiffen and tense up in his position. Did he see it? I'm so screwed if he did—

"Did you injure yourself or something? Fractured? My god, Elli! You've been worrying me these days."

Elliott just stared at him, stunned by his words. Yeah, the crop top from last night wasn't long-sleeved, so he assumed that his uncle saw his bandaged wrist. Or could he have POSSIBLY seen it when Elliott was knocked out because he was drunk? The bandage was wrapped up the same as last night; it doesn't seem like Rhys unwrapped it to check if he was badly hurt or, more importantly, if he unexpectedly saw cuts on his wrist.

"Elli...have you," Rhys paused and swallowed thinly. "Have you been hurting yourself?"

Elliott froze in his spot. "H-huh? No, w-why would I do that?" He awkwardly laughed it off as he sat himself up. "I would never do that! W-what?"

Rhys released a sigh. "I know you wouldn't do such a thing... it's just... I might just be overthinking... yeah-uhm, you should take a rest, okay? I'll bring up the food for your lunch." With that, Rhys left him alone in his room and even closed the door behind him. Elliott bit his lower lip and clenched his fist. He didn't like it... he didn't like it when people thought that he was hurting himself, which he was—but he didn't like it when it came to people saying it. They'd just be worried and concerned, or worse, they'd try to help him out, but it just annoyed him.

Elliott took a deep sigh before reaching for his phone, which he found beside his bed. As he turned it on, he noticed his notifications were filled with messages and missed calls.


-u doing good?

-you were pretty drunk
Last night


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