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Draco didn't want to inflict any harm on her.

He would, however, leave no one unharmed as a result of this.

"Put a stop to it, you fucking douchetard!" Reese screamed at him.

"Fuck off, it hurts. I'm dying, oh my god, I'm dying. Lily, this isn't a joke, run for your life!" Draco cast a quick glance at Lily, who appeared to be fed up with Reese's childish antics.

She kicked Reese's leg with her foot as she walked closer to him.

"Get the hell up, you jerk. You have one more life." The three musketeers could hear their fourth musketeer cackling in the background from somewhere nearby.

Draco's head shot up as he tried to focus on her witchy laugh.

"Isabella, where are you? You sound fucking terrifying." Her laugh grew louder as she got closer, and before anyone could process what was going on, Isabella peered out from behind Draco and launched her body onto his.

"Attack!" Lily jumped into action as soon as the words left her mouth, shooting Draco in the abdomen and sprinting away in the opposite direction.

Lily dropped her gun in shock, realising she had just reduced Draco to one life like the rest of them, before a smile bloomed across her face.

"Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! I got him, Isabella, I got him! Fuck yes!" She screamed as she danced in a circle around a fallen Reese.

Lily began chanting. "We fucking did it, like Bruce Lee hit it." as she shook her hips side to side.

"Oh yeah mmfff yeah yeah yeah yeah fuck that I'm a goddamn bo-" Her chanting came to a halt as she watched the vest around her turn red.

She slowly lifted her head, her hands by her sides, to see Reese with his gun drawn and pointing at her, a fallen paintball besides her body.

Lily realised she was no longer the boss, and in fact, she was the first one out with no lives left, and Isabella muffled a laugh.

Lily stared at Reese with rage hidden behind her normally calm and collected demeanour before hurling her gun at him.

"Reese, you're a jerk! God, you fucking suck!" Reese ducked the gun as a smirk took over his face.

"Whoops." he calmly stared as he shrugged his shoulders.

Lily turned away from Reese, deciding to ignore him and instead focus her attention on the pocket-size girl who was still on Draco's back.

Isabella's eyes narrowed as she looked at her while getting off Draco's back.

"Avenge me." she said firmly behind her closed eyes.

These four idiots clearly took Paintball very seriously.

"Perhaps if you weren't so preoccupied with your insignificant role of hitting me, you'd still be in the game." Draco teased Lily.

Isabella's quiet yet aggressive way of telling Draco to shut up was to elbow him in the ribs. He winced in pain as he made the not-so-subtle move of shifting away from Isabella.

He whispered softly to himself. "Violent."

"We established that a long time ago." she retorted with a sweet yet lethal smile.

It irritated him.

"You frighten me." he retorted.

She winked at him as she cocked her head to one side.

We meet in words |  Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now