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Draco watched as the fan continued to run a week later.

And this irritated him because he was convinced the fan was coming to an end.

But it's as if its life is renewed every day. Allowing it more time.

To what end? Draco was unsure. Perhaps it was a tactic to buy him more time. But why did he require that time? When the fan stops, that's the day Draco decided to end his life, he scratched his bet on the wooden pillar besides his punching bag. Just small enough to go unnoticed, but if you got close enough, you'd get to see a broken boy's suicide plan.

What Draco didn't realise was that someone had taken a close enough look.

And that person did not want him to die so soon.

So, without hesitation, the person chose to renew the fan's time every day. Making sure it only worked long enough for it to come to a halt after Draco left the gym late at night.

Draco was irritated.

He knew it wasn't Pain who was allowing the fan's life to continue. It couldn't be true. Because Pain was too ferocious. She wouldn't be bothered enough to let it go on. And a thought occurred to Draco. Perhaps it was his monsters that kept it going.

Because nothing could get to him when his eyes were closed. His monsters would scream and claw their way into the most private and intimate parts of his mind. They would, however, fail each time. It was too difficult.

The monsters, on the other hand, find it much easier when he's awake. And he would be tortured. He is haunted. He couldn't frighten them away. Because they were already on his tail. And he was fleeing. Running faster than ever before. Each time he felt he was going to trip and succumb to their intentions, he took a ragged breath.

But Draco was up against it. And Resistance was a strange little creature.

She was both innocent and strong. Quiet, but fearless. And Draco thanked her for her assistance. Draco sighed and sat against the cracked and peeled wall of the abandoned warehouse. He kept chipping away at the paint, ignoring the throbbing pain in his bruised knuckles.

Pain made a good decision. She reminded Draco that everything can be fixed. Pain is cyclical. She demonstrates that nothing is permanent. But Fear isn't convinced. Because it is his fear that prevents him from wanting to live.

Draco was terrified.

To allow himself to be happy. After what he'd done, the closest thing to happiness he'd ever come across was the final moments of his last breaths.

And who knew how far that was away?

Draco stood, turning off the lights in the warehouse. Frozen. Undisturbed.

The darkness was something he looked forwards to. And he welcomed him so well that the darkness prefered to greet him as much as it could.

And as Draco walked away, he didn't notice the girl waiting around the corner for him to leave so she could go in. She looked over at the fan as she walked into the abandoned building, watching it come to a stop.

But, in case Draco returned to see its demise, the girl rushed to resurrect it.

Isabella Anderson was far too kind to let Draco Malfoy die.

Isabella Anderson was far too kind to let Draco Malfoy die

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Prepare to see these two lost souls find solace.


My original plan was to update once a week (on Sunday), but I may increase that to twice a week. Sunday and Friday are off. Thoughts?

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