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Draco's blood was brimming with vitality. The chanting that surrounded him was energising.

It made him feel alive, and adrenaline was coursing through his veins in an outpouring of aggression and daring.

Boxing was a great way to unwind.

Draco knew he'd be declared the winner as he delivered one more powerful punch to his opponent. The hard hit to his jaw sent blood flying from his mouth, sending his opponent flying backwards.

It was moving at a snail's pace. Allowing Draco to see how well he delivered a punch.

The crowd could see Draco's pride in his eyes as he sent an unnoticed smirk their way, his bandana covering his mouth and nose.

He exited the boxing ring, past the cheering crowd, and into the more secluded corridor. As he made his way to his dressing room, he collapsed on the soft bench, waiting for his bodyguard. He closed his eyes and rested his arm on his brow, trying to soothe the ache in his back muscles.

He flinched and snapped his eyes open in response to the sudden slam of a door being opened.

"Someone wants to see you." a gruff voice cut through the hushed and tense atmosphere.

Draco rolled his eyes as he looked over at his bodyguard.

"You know you have to keep them away from me and make sure they don't bother me." Nathan shook his head.

"They know you." Draco closed his eyes again, waving his hand dismissively.

Everyone said they knew him, but that didn't mean they did. What kind of nonsense was Nathan talking about?

"That's what they always say."

"No." Nathan's stern voice bemoaned.

"They know you." Draco's realisation dawned as he returned Nathan's cautious uncertainty.

"Who exactly is it?"

Nathan shrugged and said. "Some girl."

Draco resisted the urge to slap Nathan on the back of the head.

"What did she look like?"

"Uh, she has tiny, long hair, and her name is Bell? Bella? Something beginning with the letter B." Draco was sitting up in seconds, as if a ghost had taken possession of his body, and calling for Isabella to be let in.

Why was she here? How did she find out about this place? Draco was running his hands through his hair, feeling unprepared.

The conversation they had at his house took place more than two weeks ago. He kept the conversation short, telling her the same nonsense he told her the day she first confessed her feelings for him. She called him out on his nonsense yet again. He made it appear as if she was seeing things.

He then made it his mission to ignore her. He knew it was risky to get involved with Isabella. She was too pure, and he was too soiled.

He already had a complicated life, and she only added to it. He didn't need to be a burden to anyone else.

He'd been ignoring her for awhile now, and Reese chastised him for it. He decided against going to the diner or warehouse in case she was there. Knowing he couldn't hide from her at school, he did the heinous thing of walking past her and letting everyone enjoy tormenting her once more. Even though he knew she probably hated his guts at the time, she chose to spare him some of her kindness.

It started on Monday.

She smiled at him and continued to greet him, but he walked by as if he'd never seen her. Tuesday then flipped over and he did the same thing. By the time Thursday rolled around, she had gotten the message.

We meet in words |  Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now