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Isabella walked as far as her tired legs would allow. Her footsteps were light and quiet, indicating her exhaustion. She sighed as she looked up at her surroundings, her vision blurred by tears in her eyes.

She found herself in front of the warehouse after aimlessly walking around. The same warehouse where she had her first proper encounter with Draco, the same warehouse where they became friends. A small smile appeared on her lips as she reflected on the memories she'd always treasured of him.

She was undeniably in love with the man she had eventually fallen so hard for.

She regretted the breakup at the time. She was filled with remorse as she realised how cruel she had been. To abandon him after his mother had died. To leave it up to him to figure it out on his own. He was never an optimistic or hopeful person. For him, the world was black and white; there had never been anything more complicated. And she knew that abandoning him at a time when he needed someone the most wouldn't help him recover.

It most likely gave him the impression that everyone was going to leave. She winced as that thought screamed itself in her head, followed by a headache.

She took another look up at the building and decided to take a step towards it and go inside. She noticed the boy who accompanied the view when she noticed one dim lightbulb illuminating a very small portion of the room.

She came to a halt, holding her breath, realising that this would be the first time she and Draco had spoken since she left him by the cliff four weeks ago. Everything in her mind told her to flee to the hills and leave him alone; after all, he seemed to enjoy the solitude. But her body wasn't listening, and she found herself quietly approaching him.

Draco jumped up in surprise as her small form cast a shadow. When his gaze met hers, it was as if the world came to a halt. She could barely breathe, but she managed to raise her hand and wave to him. She gave him a dim smile that wavered as he refused to respond.

Taking his earphones out of his ears, he turned to pause the music on his phone before returning his attention to her. They remained silent for a few moments until he cleared his throat and acknowledged her greeting.

"Hey." But he wasn't looking at her.

It's as if he didn't want to make eye contact with her, as if she'd see all of his pain and unhappiness if her blue eyes met his.

"Hello." she said quietly, biting her lower lip.

Draco groaned at the action, recalling how much her biting her lower lip turned him on.

"Fuck don't do that in front of me Isabella." he bit out, his voice raspy and weakening her knees.

He sat back down on the mat, his forearm over his eyes, as if to block her out.

She was at a loss for what to do.

After awkwardly standing in front of him for a few minutes, she chose to lie down besides him, squealing a 'sorry'.

His only response was to hand her an earphone and resume playing his music. She graciously accepted it and gave him the most heartfelt smile she could muster.

"What are you doing here?" he mumbled tiredly, his eyes barely open.

It took her awhile to come up with an answer that was worthy of being said.

"I'm not sure." she mumbled, he hummed and closed his eyes.

She, on the other hand, didn't want the conversation to end just yet.

We meet in words |  Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now