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that was the most terrifying ride ive ever went on .

" babe why did you scream like that " i asked mattia who was frantically screaming like a girl .

" that thing is a killer , what did you expect ?" he says to me .

" i dont remember it being that scary though" jessica says to me .

" mane that thing had my brain in my ball sacks " micheal says and we all started laughing .

we have been at the park for 2 hours now and im starving .

" guys im hungry " mattia says reading my mind . we walk to the food stands i got nachos and sat at a table .

" i cant believe we leave tomorrow" i say after swallowing my food . " right I've had so much fun" mattia says . " thank you for coming with me , and tell your mom i said thank you too " i told him . if it wasnt for mrs.polibio mattia wouldn't have came on this trip with me .

" okay we should get going now , we have a flight early tmr " i say to micheal because he drove us. " i cant believe your leaving already , its like you just got here " jessica says giving me the biggest hug ever . " i know i know , text me and call me anyday " i say to her and she look like was about to cry .

" aww dont cry im gonna visit more often " i say holding her still in a hug . she let me go and looked at me and gave me a smile . i held both of her hands and wiped her tears away .

" okay lets go now " micheal says

we got in the car and dropped off jessica and layla came outside and said bye to them . i said my last goodbyes and trying to cry because i wont remember when im going to see them again .

we got back to the house and went straight to our room because its was late and everyone was asleep .

" back to reality tommorrow " mattia says sadly .

" i know im gonna miss them " i say packing up our things . i laid on the bed next to mattia and we cuddled up . " but the trip was worth it " i say into his chest . " it was i got to meet my girlfriends family , went to my first canadian theme park , meet her bestfriend , and say i love you . sounds like my dream vacation to me." mattia says

" aww i love you " i say to him and then we started to kiss . i got up and sat on his lap as our lips moved in sync . every movement became deeper and deeper with more desire and pleasure . i made my way down his neck and then someone knocked on the door . " who is it " i yelled .

" its layla can i come in " layla yelled through the door . " fuck im sorry " i say to mattia . i got off his lap and opened the door . " sorry if i bothered you " layla said looking sad . " what happened" i asked .

" im really gonna miss you , and your boyfriend " she says and i laugh . " im gonna come and visit more often " i told her .

" please do , and one day i wanna come to jersey with you ." and an idea came in my head .

" how about over winter break after my birthday , ill fly you , katherine , and jessica out " i say and her face lit up . " but promise not to tell them yet " i held out my pinky and she wrapped her finger around mine " promise " she said .

i gave her a big hug and kissed her forhead " i love you okay " i held onto her shoulders .

" i love you too .


location : new jersey

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