Bonus Chapter 23: Danny's Demise

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

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So without further ado, the chapter-

He shook his head with a smile before turning to Danny.
"You can spin it, dude." He tapped Danny on the back to which Danny squealed, pulling Aaron into a bone-crushing hug.

Justin sighed in a tired manner, his grey heated eyes set on Danny.
"Keep wasting precious time and I'll take it off you again." He threatened, bluntly. Danny let out a horrified squeal before snatching up the bottle and spinning it at the speed of light.

As if God was pulling the strings of the game, the bottle front landed, facing towards Aaron.

Danny smiled, clapping his hands like a circus seal.

"My turn to ask! My turn to ask!" He shouted, his eyes alit. And, yet again, the silence acted as a prompt and Danny spoke.

I should have known I would have regretted this

"Pick, Aaron. Avalon or Alexis?

Aaron's POV during truth and dare

Damn it, 2-0.

Aaron watched carefully as the players on the team passed the ball around, fingers drumming against the arm of the chair. The game was now 86 minutes in and it didn't seem as though his team could turn the game around now. It made it all the more tense to know that his team was playing against the team that Justin favoured and that they had placed bets on the winning team.

"Shit." Aaron muttered as he watched and Justin turned to him at this, face blank, but a small glint in his grey eyes.

"You okay?" He asked dryly and Aaron only huffed sitting back, running a hand through his hair.

"Not one word." He snipped in response, barely hearing Danny's typical whining as he watched the game. It was something he would commonly do: whine about being hungry; whine about being bored; whine about some type of pain he was experiencing. It was most likely one or those reasons and he decided to pay no heed as did Justin, placing their focus on the TV in front of them.

It was only when the scent of vanilla came closer that his attention actually perked up.

"Guys, please listen to him. He's been whining for 8 minutes now." Lexi complained, her small form stood so close to him to which Danny smiled, nodding his head exaggeratedly. Aaron suppressed the urge to throttle him. He would have done it too if Avalon hadn't moved closer besides Lexi, folding her arms with a stern face.

"Yeah, guys, it's just one little truth and dare game. Let's just play it." She said, in a high pitched tone, clapping her hands together excitedly. Aaron turned his gaze back to Lexi's hopeful expression before turning back to Justin who looked to him thoughtfully.

He knew neither of them held a certain excitement to play Truth or Dare, but it was Lexi who was asking them. And, from the way that Justin and Lexi had gotten close, he knew Justin wouldn't refuse her. Something about that thought irked something deep within him. But, he too would never refuse Lexi so- with that thought- he turned back to her.

"Okay." They both said it in unison. He sighed as he said it, still reluctant on having to join a game he never had a fondness for, even in the parties he attended. The only reason for acceptance was her and he watched her as he moved to sit on the wooden floor where Danny was ushering them to go.

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