That Damn Door

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Hey, guys! Its Tuesday again! That means it's updating time!

A lot of people have been asking if this story had a song and it gave me a great idea- why don't you guys pick a song for MFB? Anything that you guys think fits the story line! In fact, here's a challenge. Why don't you guys try picking a song for your favourite characters. You guys give your suggestions here and then, next chapter, I'll give mine.

Anyhoo, with that tangent over. You guys can keep reading! Please fan and comment! It means a lot.


2 weeks.

It had been 2 weeks and 3 days since I had realised my love for Aaron. However, it had also been the same amount of time that I hadn't seen him. My heart skipped a beat thinking about my last encounter with him.

After a substantial time for Aaron to calm down, I had taken him inside. The rain had slowed down in the time we were sat outside yet it still wasn't good for his health and nor was it good for mine. Although being slightly unwilling, Aaron had followed me inside. I still remember the look on his face as I seated him on the couch; it wasn't something I could quite forget.

Defeated- that's what it was and, despite all of my attempts to cheer him up, the look wouldn't go. My heart swelled at the memory of him; he looked like a lost child and it took everything in me to not pull him into my arms and hold him until he was back to the way he was before.

But I, of all people, knew that forgetting a loved-one wasn't that easy. I knew it would take him some time, especially upon seeing how close he was to his mother, and I was willing to give him that time. Yet a part of me still wished this hadn't happened- that his mother was still alive and he wasn't as soulless as I had seen him. I wished he would be as he was before, even if meant hearing the constant sexual remarks again and again. It was worth it.

I knew I was being selfish, but I couldn't help it. Before Aaron had came into my life, the closest thing I had to friends were my mother and grandfather. My father was always away, yet I never held anything against him for it, knowing he did it for us. My life was just them.

But, I didn't mind. My granddad was my light. Every time he came over, he would give me the euphoric feeling of companionship that I didn't get anywhere else. I still remember all the stories that he'd tell me- about his past; the fairy-tales. The way he'd pause in between story-telling and lean over to the ashtray, tapping twice before continuing. I still, however, remembered my last memories of him; when he had last spoken to me.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

I ran outside, my chubby legs tripping over my dress. My eyes set onto granddad sitting on the porch, his gaze on the sinking sun. I ran up behind him, my hands reaching out and grabbing onto his shoulder.

"Ahh!" I screamed, hoping to scare him. He turned slowly towards me, the smile falling off my face as I took in his sorrow-ridden eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly, staring up innocently at him. His smile didn't seem forced at the time, but now- looking back- I knew how tense he was. He held his arm out, so I could sit beside him. I rested into his side and he sighed in what seemed like comfort.

"What happened?" My voice was soft and trembling, my bottom lip sticking out in sadness as I took in his demeanour. He exhaled slowly, his eyes returning to the setting sun. My body moved with each inhale and exhale of his, his familiar smell of cigars and mints blowing with the breeze into my nose.

"There comes a time," he began, his deep voice filled with wisdom, "where something you don't want to happen, something completely unexpected, will appear in your life. It could be good, it could be bad, but it'll happen one day. And you'll have no control over it."

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