Girls Are Nature's Best Therapy

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Hey, guys! I know it's been a while since I updated and, for that, I am really sorry!

I've just been delayed a little, but thanks for the patient waiting!

Please vote if you like this chapter and comment any suggestions!

I'd like to thanks all the readers who guessed why Aaron was sad and input their opinion on the kiss! That was sweet of you guys!

Also, can you guys keep on voting for previous chapters! it'll mean a lot!

So.. Here it is guys!


S. A. A


I adjusted my body closer and, with our hands still connected, I leaned in. The heat from his lips seemed too close to be true and I closed my eyes slowly, revelling in the moment that was to come.

I thought back to when we had kissed at the party at his house and the urge for his lips became stronger and more prominent. I wanted this, now, more than ever.

More than anything.

His mouth almost enveloped mine in a fiery kiss.

Keyword being almost.

Before our lips could make contact, Aaron's finger did. He raised his index finger to my lips, stopping me in my movements.

"Please." He strained out, his voice laced with exhaustion.

My eyes snapped open at this and I stared at him, hoping he would offer me a reasonable explanation- But one never came.

He stood still in front of me, his finger frozen on my lips and his eyes strained shut.

I don't know why I needed an explanation. It was perfectly clear we weren't actually a couple, there was no one around to put on a show for and he wasn't even attracted to me.

Given that, why would he kiss me?

But, nevertheless, I still gave in to the pathetic hope that he would offer an explanation that would extinguish the growing flames that pecked at my heart. That he would just turn around and say 'I'm sorry I stopped the kiss, but a couple of pirañas were chewing on my leg. I'll only need a moment to recompose myself and then I'll kiss you whilst riding off into the sunset."

Well, I didn't expect that.

I expected something, at the least.

I recoiled away from him, nodding numbly.

"Sorry." I mumbled. Tears formed in my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall. I was stronger than that. I wouldn't let anyone see my weaknesses, especially him.

Aaron's eyes didn't meet mine as he spoke, his voice quiet.

"No. I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't mean to start anything. I'm sorry." He said, his eyes looking everywhere but at me.

And it was that time that we both turned to look at our connected palms. I smiled at the memory of not long ago. Thinking back, it seemed like decades ago.

Decades ago when I felt something from the touch of another. Decades ago when I felt something for Aaron.

I felt so stupid now.

I turned to Aaron who eyed our connected hands with a mixture of disgust and despair.

I waited. I don't know what for, but I didn't feel like moving right now. Aaron clenched and unclenched his jaw, eyeing our hands. His palm pressed against mine with a little force before he hesitantly parted his hand from mine, moving it back slowly to his side.

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