The Evidence

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This is the 32nd chapter and I hope you guys like it.

Furthermore I would like to thank avid readers. I love you guys so much! Your positive comments really keep me going! Please, keep reading!

Now, with pleasantries out of the way, I will let you guys get on with reading!


S. A. A

"What's going on?"


"Dad?" I said, surprised. He was supposed to be on a business trip in Melbourne. What he was doing home, I had no idea.

He hardly ever came home and he chose to come when I was stood outside, way past curfew might I add, kissing the cheek of a guy who just screams 'player'.

Talk about rubbish timing.

The brown haired man, who was looking at Aaron skeptically, finally turned to me.

"Alexis, my little girl" He exclaimed. "Come give your old man a hug!" He said, stretching his arms out in a welcoming manner.

I laughed, jumping into the arms of the man who had cradled me since birth.
"I missed you." I whispered quietly and, by the way he hugged me tighter, I could tell he heard my comment. It was true, I did miss him. Although, it wouldn't hurt to add that I would have preferred him to come two minutes later.

Dad grinned, pulling back.
"And that, pumpkin, is why I came home earlier than intended."

I grinned in response, but that soon dropped when I saw my dad eyeing Aaron up and down.
"Who's the girl?" He asked, nodding his head towards Aaron.

This wasn't going to end well.

Aaron stood frozen, his eyebrows raised. He looked around to see if my dad was referring to anyone else, but when no one came into view he turned around, a puzzled look on his face.
"Er, I'm a dude." He stated, splaying his arms out and giving his own body a once over.

Dad scoffed in return, eyeing Aaron up and down again.
"Those tight jeans say otherwise." He said, pointing towards Aaron's legs.

Huh. Maybe it was going to end better than I thought.

Aaron smiled tightly. He was obviously trying to keep his manners intact and, knowing Aaron, he wasn't going to last long.

Then again, knowing my dad, he was probably trying to push Aaron's button until he exploded.

I've known my dad, well, my whole life. So, it's safe to say I know him like the back of my hand. My dad has always had a sort of childish flair to him. My mother has always told him to 'grow up' and 'stop goofing around', but it's the way he is.

He's also always been very overprotective. He would always ward off any guys who came near me and would forbid me from hanging around with guys.

Not that I hung out with any guys. I mean, I hardly had any friends who were girls, but nevertheless my dear father would always explain to me the threats of having a guy friend and how he would irrevocably disapprove it.

With that said, I'm guessing I wasn't surprised when my dad carried on speaking. His mocking was far from over.

"I'd ask to borrow them, but they'd probably constrict the blood flow to my legs." Dad commented snarkily, a half-smile imprinted on his face.

I gave my dad a pointed look to which he shrugged and said.
"It could happen, Alexis. I could die from that." He said, putting a hand on his legs and looking at me with a serious face.

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