Bonus Chapter 12.2: His One True Catch

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

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So without further ado, the chapter-

Too engrossed in the hug, I didn't notice the kitchen door opening until a cough resonated through the room. We both moved back from the hug to see Aaron and Avalon stood and the door- Avalon looking at the ground and Aaron looking straight at us.

The look on his face, however, I could not decipher. His eyes diverted from staring at me to staring at Justin and I stood uncomfortably for what seemed like centuries.

At long last, Aaron opened his mouth to speak.
"What's going on here? You've been in here for quite a while." He said in an unemotional tone. My eyebrows furrowed; he was acting differently.

Aaron's POV of Justin and Alexis: Part 2

"There you guys are! The movie's set up already; I was getting bored!" Danny complained, his blue blanket clutched tightly in his grip and his brown eyes flitting between his two best friends.

"If the movie choice is what I think it is then you're going be doing more than getting bored." Justin responded just as quickly, dead gaze boring straight into Danny and Aaron could have sworn he saw him gulp in response.

"But it's a classic..." Danny mumbled, turning his pleading gaze to Aaron to defend him as he usually would, but Aaron had other things on his mind.

More specifically, a someone on his mind.

Try as he might to focus, he couldn't get the thought of Lexi out of his mind and- even more so now- when he thought of her smile as she hugged Justin, a happiness radiating off her that was never present when he was with her.

"Go play it then before I change my mind." Justin's voice brought Aaron back to reality and he watched as Danny let out a squeal before racing to the TV. He would laughed or said something to further panic Danny, but not this time. Instead, he turned to look at his grey-eyed friend as they both headed for the couch.

He looked to him truly then, like he assumed Lexi would and he couldn't help but frown. He knew Justin was a looker; he could tell from the way in which girls always ogled him. He had even witnessed him be approached by agencies which he had cuttingly refused. At those times, Aaron had teased Justin; he had found it amusing. Why, now, was it a different case? Why was it more worrisome than amusing? Was it because he knew that it wasn't just other girls casting their gaze on Justin, but Lexi.

His Lexi.

It was enough to make him stiffen and he cast his gaze to the floor.

"You and Lexi seem to have gotten closer." His impulsiveness took over then as he spoke, his voice void of emotion and he watched- from his peripheral- as Justin merely nodded, sitting down and leaning back.

"We have." Was his mere answer, but it did nothing to satiate Aaron's mind, so he spoke again, sitting down on the other side of the couch.

"Since when?" He asked in a mock curious tone, holding off the anger. It wasn't Justin's fault that he was better at taking care of Lexi than Aaron. He held it off as Justin raised a dark eyebrow, sparing him a glance.

"Why are you asking me this?" He countered bluntly yet before Aaron could think of a response, he heard the sound of footsteps, turning just as Avalon and Lexi entered.

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