Daddy And A Whole Lotta Drowning

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I hope you guys really like this chapter and vote for it because it really motivates me to carry on! A big thanks to those who vote! Love you all!

S. A. A


"Are you done?" I asked incredulously, watching Aaron devour his 4th meal.

He explained it was because he was a 'growing man' and 'no meal was big enough to satisfy his growing hunger'. I said I'd rather go with the explanation that he was a pig. It seemed to fit his situation more accurately.

Aaron had just simply smiled at my words, sipping at his drink contently.

'Loser has to pay for the meal.'

I sighed, remembering Aaron's words. I searched through my purse for my wallet before handing the money over to Aaron, but he threw it back to me casually, making me scowl. 

"Hey!" I berated, juttingmy wallet out.
"Loser has to pay for meal, remember?"

Aaron smirked, shaking his head at my words.
"Hey, I'm a gentlemen and a gentlemen always pays when on a date."

I folded my arms, letting out a scoff.
"This is not a date." I said stubbornly.

Aaron laughed and then looked at me, smirking. He then leaned in a little.
"Let me explain this simple concept to you, love."

I nodded, urging him to continue. He smiled in return and pointed at me.
"Girlfriend." He said simply.

He then pointed towards himself.

He pointed at the food.
"Out to eat." He said, pointedly.
"I'm pretty sure that's what a date constitutes of. Don't you, doll face?"

I fake smiled, seeing the glimmer of mirth in his eyes as he looked me, trying to gauge my reaction. He was playing with me, that much I knew.
"Fine, well I enjoyed the date then, my little cretin" I cooed as though I was giving him an endearment. He raised his eyebrow at my words before leaning back lazily. 

"I guarantee you didn't enjoy it as much as me, love." He teased back, knowing that actual endearments would irritate me more, and that it did. I watched with a scowl as he laughed at my discomfort. Nevertheless, I wasn't one to back down and I leaned forward challengingly. 

"I beg to differ, scumbag." I said competitively, watching his eyes lit up and a ghost of a smile took over his face.

"Begging huh? A good look, princess." He retorted, putting emphasis on the end and I let out a small scoff. 

"Yeah, begging you to stop breathing. Care to oblige, bonehead?"
I drawled, making him raise an eyebrow before he leaned forward, his hair falling in to his eyes as he looked to me, his gaze searing through me.

"I can't; you already took my breath away the moment I laid eyes on you, baby." He murmured, his deep voice sending a chill down my spine as I processed his words. 

I faltered slightly, embarrassed to say the least.
"Shut up." I said finally, when I couldn't think of another comeback.

I tensed, noticing the silence and looked around to find people giving us strange looks. Upon seeing my gaze, Aaron followed suit, looking at everyone.

I didn't like the attention we were getting. I hated attention. It was unnerving and very unsettling. I squirmed uncomfortably in my spot, avoiding eye contact.

Aaron seemed to notice my displeasure and scowled at them and pulled me to the exit unrelentingly without so much as a look back.

We were now outside, the cold hitting me like a newly found love; caressing my skin roughly with its frosty touch.
"Aaron! Slow down!" I said to the boy who was dragging me at the speed of light.

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