Carrots and Couples: Part l

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Hey, guys, it's that time of the week again! Updating time!!

I'm gonna try make this quick, so you guys can enjoy the chapter. I just wanna thank you guys for all the votes, comments and messages. I mean, I love it all because I love seeing how much you care. I'm really glad for it... so thanks!

As you guys probably know, this is a double chapter update, so I'll be posting this now and the other a while after. Don't worry, it'll all still be on a Thursday (in UK time)

Another thing I wanted to say is that a lot of people have been asking me for the characters ages, heights, appearances, so I thought this was a brilliant idea that I'd also - later on in the week- post a chapter on the characters profiles.

Anyhoo, I'll let you guys carry on with reading.



And, then, she winked

For a second, I felt as if I had imagined it.

I wish I had.

But, I knew that it wasn't just a figment of my paranoia. I could tell just that from seeing the smug smile on her face after as she walked into the living room. She had actually winked at me.

I could only draw one possible conclusion from her actions yet I didn't want that to be the answer. I didn't want to think of Avalon as such a person without sound evidence. Just because she winked, it didn't mean she was purposely trying to come between me and Aaron- that couldn't be it.

Yet, the more I thought about it, the more plausible it felt. She obviously has feelings for Aaron, that much was apparent. From this, it would be reasonable to deem that she'd want to get back with him.

Could she have possibly been trying to showcase how close they were and how he let her touch him with ease? I mulled over the thought as I followed them in.

Aaron smiled at me from his position on the couch.
"Justin's complaining about how Danny won't shut up. God, I'm so glad I'm not in that car." He said, showing me his phone. I laughed along with him, but inside I was crying.

God, I'd kill to be in Justin's place right now.

Avalon joined in the laughter and I, suddenly, had to stop because of the sheer resemblance my laugh had to a dying horse when compared to hers. Her laughter sounded like bells; like the singing of angels; like a harp- any beautiful sound you could think of, it could be compared to her laughter and I fumed with envy.

The envy didn't cease when I turned to Aaron to see him with a look of affection on his face. He was looking at the ground, yes, but I knew he was mesmerised by her laugh and his words confirmed this. He sat back into the sofa and ran a hand through his hair.

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