Bonus Chapter 4: His Cold Demons

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Sorry for the wait, guys! Make sure to like, comment and review! And, I hope you all like this chapter. If you have any suggestions for a bonus chapter, please comment it down below!

I also have added a chapter to my other book! Make sure to like and comment!

Enjoy, guys!

S. A. A


Why Justin had come to Lexi’s house

His hair was almost dry now, he thought as he used the white linen towel against his midnight locks, his grey gaze on the bathroom mirror in front of him. He was never one to prefer the artificial feel of the blow-dryer heat, despite the time it had taken for his hair to fully dry naturally. Sighing tiredly, he pulled his earphones out, tossing them carelessly onto the bathroom countertop. On a usual day, music would help the restlessness, but he had already established today was not a usual day.

It couldn’t be a usual day, if the day had begun with an additional member on the dining table for breakfast. He had internally scolded himself for feeling this way. He didn’t know what had caused the misery, even. As long as he had known, his father was the only one to raise him; he hadn’t fathomed a thought on what a maternal presence could do for him, yet now, it was different. The woman who had joined them for breakfast was most certainly not one of maternal presence; how could she be when she was just a few years his senior?


He voiced out the number repeatedly in his mind, until it was seared into skin and melded into bone; until all he could hear was the clattering of forks against plates, playing the symphony of a mended family.

If only that were the case.

Perhaps, that’s what a stranger would see if they took a glimpse into his life- a son dining with his loving parents. All he saw was the faded and tainted remains of a sister and mother he could have had and he felt sick at his line of thought.

That wasn’t his life nor his relationship to intervene in. He didn’t blame his father for feeling lonely. How could he when it was something he too experienced? Yet, he had hoped that the journey of loneliness was something they could both mutually share- their common ground, if it were. Maybe, that’s what had upset him more than someone trying to replace his mother. The fact that he was, as of this morning, well and truly alone.

He didn’t blame his father. He blamed it- Love.

Love was ruthless and unmerciful, he knew that. It was when it had made his sister turn her back on her family; when Avalon had an affair behind Aaron’s back and- now- when it had snatched his father away from him. Come to think of it, those things he could tolerate love taking. He was strong; he could survive it all. He couldn’t- however- stand to think of the most important possession that love had snatched from him.

He shook his head slightly in a bid to clear the dark thoughts away, but they clung to him like a forlorn shadow, mirroring his movements in ugly twisted ways. He had never let his mind dwell into it this much, for fear it would grab and drown him, but he couldn’t help it. Dropping the towel into the laundry basket, he made way his way into the bedroom and it was only when his cold gaze met the picture frame on his bedside table, did he creak the dark door of thought open, allowing the demons an unceremonious entrance.

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