Bonus Chapter 8: Sickness & Seduction

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

Let me know what bonus chapters you'd like to see in the comments.

So without further ado, the chapter-

How the boys got worried when Lexi had gotten sick.

S. A. A


Part One- Aaron

The burning sensation didn't leave my throat as I brushed my teeth, looking into the mirror. What I was met with was a paler version of myself, hair matted down slightly from having just emptied out the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

The urge to vomit had just sprung up all of a sudden; yesterday I had been just fine, attending work without any issue or strain. I had come back from that Friday evening, looking forward to finally seeing everyone. It had been a while since we had all met up, even seeing Aaron had been difficult and we lived in the same house. So, we had all planned to spend the Saturday together and have a move night at our house. Well, that was was going to happen until I excused myself when I had felt the violent churning of my stomach, leaving Aaron to select a movie before everyone arrived.

"Just breathe." I whispered shakily, trying to fight the urge to vomit as I placed my toothbrush in the pot. If everyone was to be coning over after so long, I couldn't bring up this feeling, especially when I knew how they would all act.

With three boys in particular.

All of them would be worried, but I knew that those three especially would jump to conclusions and make it a bigger deal than it actually was. I had known them for 6 years now and it was only with all those years that I began to learn how terribly protective they were. So, with them in mind, I forced myself to smile, looking at my frail reflection.

"Just a few hours." I spoke to myself before withdrawing out of the bathroom and down the stairs. The smell of popcorn wafted to my nose as I entered the lounge and I gritted my teeth as I felt the pounding in my head, choosing to focus instead on the only man who could cause my stomach to churn in a positive manner.


His broad back was to me as he crouched slightly, looking through several movie collections and I felt myself smile at just the mere sight of him after him being so busy with work. Just seeing him doing such a mundane task made my heart clench and my footsteps sounded as I neared in.

"If I pick a horror movie, will you act scared and cuddle into me?" Aaron drawled suggestively, looking busily through the movies and I smiled weakly at the sound of his voice.

"It'll probably be Danny who will end up cuddling into you out of fear, but I won't exactly be opposed to that." I joked and Aaron let out a laugh, standing up to his full form.

"Speaking of which, Justin messaged; he and Danny are two minutes away. Pray for him." He said and I could only imagine how Danny would be testing every single strand of Justin's patience.

"That's fine and what about the others?" I asked and Aaron shrugged, turning to face me.

"I think they'll be h-" He stopped mid-way then, looking to me with his intense blue gaze and my eyebrows furrowed in concern at the strange look in his eyes. I opened my mouth to ask if he was okay, but he spoke before I could, his voice low.

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