The Non-Existent Hit List

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I was about to answer, but a loud thud emanated from downstairs and Aaron was already up. He made his way downstairs and I followed behind.

I watched when he stopped in his tracks when he reached the lounge to find Danny sprawled out on the ground and a visibly angry Justin, hovering over him.

Aaron quickly made his way between them, his eyes glancing at both boys.
"What's going on?" He asked, a seriousness in his tone and, from that, I knew this wasn't a joke.

Justin scoffed at his words before motioning towards Danny with a hand.

"Ask him. Ask him what he's done."


"Well?" The bitterness in Justin's voice was both clear and shocking. Sure, Justin had always been harsh to the two boys in the room beside him. But, never once, had it been anything other than tomfoolery.

In this particular instance, it was safe to say that no foolery was taking place in this establishment. Rather, it was the exact opposite and I dreaded what was to come.

Danny's eyes glanced between Aaron and Justin, a panic-stricken look on his face. He shook his head aggressively and I was surprised his brain didn't fly out and land on Aaron's floorboards.

Well, that could have been a possibility, if said head-shaker had a brain or a 'thinking device' of some sort.

"N-nothing. There's nothing going on." He blurted out, his voice topped to the brim with fear.

This didn't seem to douse the fire that seared within Justin but, instead, aided its growth to an immeasurable count. He leapt towards Danny with the skill and finesse of a thirsty cobra but, much to his dismay, his target had anticipated his moves and crept hurriedly to hide behind his much stronger counterpart.

Danny was now hiding behind Aaron, peering over his shoulder with anxious eyes. He held his hands up in surrender whilst sneaking a glance at Justin.
"Now now, let's not do anything too hasty, shall we?" He suggested, a tremble in his deep voice.

Aaron folded his arms, rolling his eyes at his friend's cowardly antics. He then turned to look at Justin, his eyebrow slightly raised as he spoke.
"Care to tell me what's going on?" He demanded lazily, but the anger in his tone was not missed. Clearly, he did not like seeing his friends bicker as they were and, that much, I could agree with.

Justin sighed in frustration, but his eyes still remained dead to the core. He glared pointedly at Danny for a quick second before turning to Aaron, a serious look on his face.
"We were watching TV and I asked him to go get me water. 10 minutes or so pass and I'm wondering why he hasn't come back, so I go to the kitchen and see him talking on the phone. With her." Justin spat out, his voice drenched in utter disdain for the 'she' whom he spoke of.

Aaron's eyebrows shot up at this, a surprise look on his face. He turned to look at Danny who winced slightly before turning back to Justin.
"And you're sure about this?" He asked, hesitancy in his voice.

Justin nodded and, with that, he went on to explain the course of events that had led to this moment.


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