Bonus Chapter 12: Unexpected Jealousy

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So without further ado, the chapter-

Too engrossed in the hug, I didn't notice the kitchen door opening until a cough resonated through the room. We both moved back from the hug to see Aaron and Avalon stood and the door- Avalon looking at the ground and Aaron looking straight at us.

The look on his face, however, I could not decipher. His eyes diverted from staring at me to staring at Justin and I stood uncomfortably for what seemed like centuries.

At long last, Aaron opened his mouth to speak.
"What's going on here? You've been in here for quite a while." He said in an unemotional tone. My eyebrows furrowed; he was acting differently.

Aaron's POV of Justin and Alexis.


"What is the bitch doing here?"

Aaron turned away from Avalon at the sound of Justin's voice. It was with but one glance into  his steely grey eyes that made Aaron stand up abruptly. 

"Justin, hear me out. " He said before Justin could say anything else. He said this because he knew of his best friend's nature, especally when it came to Avalon. They had grown up together, so close and then- because of him- they had drifted. If he hadn't dated Avalon, he wouldn't have ruined their friendship; it was his fault. It was entirely his fault for how closed off Justin had become and he hated it. He hated how he had made Justin so cautious and uncertain of everyone.

Aaron spared one look at Justin's stiff form before he glanced back to where Danny and Lexi were stood behind him. He fought the urge to fix onto her doe eyes in the fear that he'd drown into them. Instead, he turned away, taking in a breath as he spoke,

"I've forgiven her, Justin. It's her second chance." Was all he said but- even then- there was no conviction to his words. A mere few months ago and he would have been so elated at Avalon coming back. Yet, why did it now feel as though this wasn't the case? Why did he only feel restless as though something was missing? He had forgiven her, yes, but had told her he could only offer her friendship. There was no more of that yearning love for her and it confused him; he wondered why his emotions had shifted so abruptly. 

Even now, when he turned to her to see her smiling, it did nothing to his heart as he thought it would. Despite his confusion, he still forced a smile to her before turning back to Justin, awaiting his response. Perhaps, Justin could help him in clearing up the fog in his brain; perhaps, he could help him in making the correct decision.

At long last, Justin sighed heavily, opening his mouth to speak.
"I know... I just don't trust her, Aaron." His voice was strained but as honest as always, making Aaron smile. He knew that Justin was concerned for his emotions and it made him feel relief that, even if other people in his life were not consistent, then at least Justin and Danny were. They would never fail him and the thought brought him solace.

Avalon clearing her throat brought him out of his reverie and he turned with furrowed brows as she walked towards Justin, a sad smile on her face. It was silent for a moment as she stared up at him with tender eyes whilst he looked to her with the same, unchanging steely eyes,

"Your anger is justified, Justin. You have every right to be upset at me, after what I did, but please try to understand. People do change and they do deserve second chances. Are you not going to forgive me?" She pleaded, looking up at him with glassy eyes and Aaron wondered why he didn't feel it when the same tears cascaded down her face. The confusion frustrated him; why did it feel as though things were changing in ways he did not anticipate? Why did nothing ever stay the same?

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