Kisses and Questions

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"Mom, don't worry, seriously. I promise, I'll be good. I mean, it's not gonna be just Aaron and I." I pleaded, batting my eyes, which was essentially pointless as we were talking over the phone. I was currently trying to convince my mother to allow me to stay over at Aaron's tonight.

After practically rushing out of Aaron's arms, I volunteered myself in helping move the drawer back to its current position. Justin was quick to refuse my offer, stating that 'they could handle it' and how I 'should rest', but was just as quick to change his mind when his eyes fell on Danny who- unsuprisingly- had turned his 3 second attention span to seeing whether he could fit an extra large doughnut in his mouth.

The answer being yes.

It was then Danny had prompted the idea of all of us staying with Aaron for a super duper sleepover party, which were his words, not mine.

I had meant to say no, but upon seeing Danny's exaggerated pout, I excused myself to ask my Mom for permission.

And, that was how I landed where I was. In Aaron's room, trying to convince my mom to allow me to stay. I smiled as I heard her sigh defeatedly, an action she always did before giving into my requests.

"Okay, Alexis. Just be sure to go to sleep on time and no funny business, got it?" She said firmly. I smiled at the tone in her voice.

My mother had always been this kind of person, someone who lay the boundaries yet didn't force me to keep to it, but rather expected me to. She had always been there for me. We would always gossip about our favourite males from the TV series we would watch and I always though about her as my only friend for quite a long time. Despite this, I knew that there was some lines I could not cross. My mother had placed her trust in me and I could not break it, no matter what I do.

I smiled as I thought of how lucky I was to have such a mother.
"Okay, I will, Mom. Love you" I said, before saying goodbye and making my way downstairs.

Well, that was until, something caught my eye. I turned and walked over to the wall above Aaron's bed where a lot of pictures were stuck. I frowned; this hadn't been here the last time I was around. I scanned all the pictures quickly, smiling at a picture of a 7 year old looking Aaron stood with a tiny red-cheek Danny. They seemed to be on the beach because there was sand behind them and each was carrying a bucket and spade.

My eyes landed on another picture of Justin and Aaron together, looking to be around 10. They were both sat on bikes, in a countryside area, smiling towards the camera. They seemed so happy; with no worries in the world.

God, I wish I could be a child again.

My gaze fell on a picture of Aaron with his arms wrapped around Sam, a huge grin on his face. He looked to be around 16 at the time. I smiled at the look of love he had on his face as he looked at his mother. He hasn't changed much, besides getting a wider frame and a lot taller. It made me smile how, even at that age, he wasn't afraid to be 'mushy' at the mention of his mother. But, the smile was gone just as quick as it had come.

"She's gone."

Tears sprung to my eyes. Sam was gone and she wasn't going to come back. No matter what I did, no matter how much I begged, she was gone forever.

Aaron would never be able to wrap his arms around her like he once did. He would never be able to smile at her or make new memories with her. I wiped at the tears that cascaded down my cheeks. I remember what Aaron had said to me months ago.

"Do you know what it's like? To never know which dinner together will be your last? To never know when you'll get that dreaded phone call? To know that there will be a day where you won't see that beautiful face again and that she won't ever be there to see you grow up- to hold your children; to see you start a family just as she had once done not long ago? Do you know how much that kills me?" He looked at me, almost as if he was begging me to speak, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. I was speechless and no matter how hard I tried to speak I couldn't.

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